Pretty sure that policy died when Republicans gleefully invited a foreign leader (Bibi) to rail against the sitting President (Obama) in a speech in front of Congress back in 2015.
And the most beautiful thing about it is, none of those assembled at the G7 meeting cared even one kinked hair off a rat’s ass about what the former guy had to say.
That twice-impeached shart was a real fascist with real paid minions, real hate and real criminality, from a party with real racism that pander to real Republicans who voted for a real menace praised by real bigots in a real foreign op.
Except for Boris Vladimir Johnson, knowing full well the undertext of a russkie agent with a minority party somehow ruling a nation and trying to run it into the ground.
Damn straight he does. Like some of his illustrious predecessors who overcame personal hardships. FDR and JFK come to mind. Huh, funny coincidence, but since GHWB bailed out of his stricken plane over the Pacific in WW2, I’m hard pressed to come up with an example on the other side.
Don’t need to be. Unlike Helsinki, we know what this is going to be about.
It’s going to be about Russian tolerance of hackers in its sphere of influence (pro tip, install Cyrillic alphabet language packs on your computer to avoid ransomware), the whole Ukraine/Baltic threats, Nordstream 2 pipeline, China, turkey and Syria. Followed up with a healthy warning that we know what he’s intending in 2022, and, this time, the US will actively retaliate in ways that Putin will not enjoy.
Not being in the actual know, just what I’ve been following in open source, some indications that, at least with some configurations of their attacks, installed language packs in the OS and Office may be enough to have it stay dormant. Pretty clear that setting your default language to Russian is the best set-up, but not everyone is fluent…