Rep. Peter Meijer (R-MI) on Sunday took aim at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) in response to her incendiary remarks comparing the House’s mask policy to the Holocaust.
Maybe it’s well past time complaining of MTG’s comments and making her accountable for them?
“So Congresswoman Taylor Greene why don’t explain further how rounding up Jews-religious and ethnic distinction is synonymous with those antivaxxers?”
I don’t even have words to describe how disappointing it is to see this hyperbolic speech that frankly amps up and plays into a lot of the antisemitism that we’ve been seeing in our society today
JusT liKe mengele diD Medical eXperimeNts on ChildreN, PeloSi is treaTing RepresEntatiVes like ChildRen and ExPeriMenting witH maSks, liTeral Face caGes, wherE theRe is no EvideNce thaT they even Work.
Yes…and last night when called out on her ‘comments’ she several times referenced ‘rational Jews’ that should AGREE with her…you cannot make this crap up.
HiTler deprIVED JEws of oxygen WheN hE puT theM in the Gas cHamber. PeLoSi does the SamE thing wiTh masKs, deprivinG us Of oxygeN anD liTeraLLy kiLLing uS. RaTioNal jewerY agreEs.
Maybe the judge who ordered the competency evaluation for Qanon Shaman Boy could expand the order a bit? These are the statements of someone who may be a danger to herself or others.
MTG may need a hefty dose of the 'rona to give her perspective.
Like with everything else, many reactionaries can’t seem to learn or respect someone else’s POV until they’ve gone through it.
Unfortunately, however, even that’s not necessarily enough with the 'rona.
Great timing, Mean-Girl Taylor Greene! Spew anti-Semitic bile just when all your QOP colleagues are doubling down on support for Israel and trying to distinguish themselves from Democrats who take a more balanced view of what’s been happening in Gaza.
Colossal stupidity. And she a “future star” of the party, according to the former guy.
OT, but not entirely. Susan Collins went on the Sabbath Gasbags and stated the she supports a Jan. 6 commission but will vote against the house bill. Why? Because she thinks Repubs should get equal staff and the work should be complete by year-end - both things that are in the bill. So, total bullshit, and lying through her teeth. And, apparently, no pushback from Stephanopoulos.
Honestly, I do not see how Democrats can ever counter this shit. When you’re fighting a side that has no shame, no holds, no boundaries whatsoever, it’s a futile and never-ending battle. Sure, Chuck Schumer could stand to be more ruthless, I suppose - but we will never go where they’ve gone - for better or worse. End of story. We need new strategies - don’t ask me what.
"I think any rational Jewish person didn't like what happened in Nazi Germany & any rational Jewish person doesn't like what's happening with overbearing mask mandates."
I bet she’s been vaccinated. An awful lot of these blowhards are all for others sacrificing their health and safety for the party line but they’re not about to risk anything themselves.
If, in a hypothetical future repressive regime, the tee vee talking heads were accused of being a journalist, they could easily get the case dismissed for lack of evidence.