Bernie Sanders Makes The Progressive Case For Kamala Harris

“Without doubt” the government spent trillions of dollars restarting the collapsed economy after Covid. The government including the administration, the congress and the Federal Reserve (I know the Federal Reserve is something outside traditional government but for this purpose I am including it) spent something like $7.2 trillion rebooting the economy after Covid. We learned from 1929 and 2008 so the money was targeted and the spends were effective. Even if the increased spending was perfectly spent that meant that for some period of time there was more money chasing fewer goods which is what inflation is. At the highest the inflation was about 7%. Inflation now is about 3%. Two percent inflation will signal a very healthy economy. I think that is when they will start talking about a soft landing. Having tried to raise a family in a world of 20% inflation I can tell you most people have nothing to bitch about but people being people they will bitch. Biden’s recovery was magnificent but peopl will always complain.


Yep — now that he’s popped out of his hole and said his piece, can he go back inside and disappear again?

Focused like a laser beam!


A valid point. Look at how anti-black racism has burst out of the closet and into the streets, triggered partially by the spectre of a black President … and big popular teevie “stars” like the current Convicted Felon Candidate pushing anti-Obama racism for all he was worth. His self-declared worth, that is.


Hear, hear. How many times did Hilary go to Wisconsin again? And how was Bernie keeping her out?


The guy/s been doing dates at theaters around New England with AOC and others rallying Dems to GOTV. You want him to stop that?


As long as he sticks to his traveling show in the Catskills to rally votes, and as long as he otherwise keeps his yap shut except to fully praise Harris, then that may be tolerable, but I do not trust him not to say something stupid or make some kind of ridiculous demands or pronouncements on the national stage.

The loony old hippie is fine at the Thanksgiving table, but keep him away from the wider public.

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Sanders is an old man. Let’s leave it to AOC and those like her for some of what can happen.
She gets it.


I will never forgive that arrogant prick for sandbagging Clinton. Nader too for that matter. Anything good they’ve done is far outweighed by the misery they caused.


Good luck to you.

Yes, AOC gets it.


How about pie? Does he get a slice of pie?


It’s your boring corporate Dem who should have been kept away from the wider public. She gave us Trump, wrote a book about it but never took any of the blame. She was no where the politician her husband was. The assumption she was was one of the reasons she lost.



Wallace Amos Jr., founder of Famous Amos cookies, dies at 88
He died “peacefully” at home, his family said Wednesday.

… … … …
I am very sad that Wally Amos has died. I’ve admired him for years.


Really? Like the song in Frozen, Let it Go.

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Inflation is down . Prices aren’t.

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Nope. Fuck everyone that ever undermined Hillary. Fuck them then, now, and forever, forwards, backwards, right side up, upside down, and ten ways sideways. ; )

How does it go?
Those that hold on to the past are bound to repeat it

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He did support the candidate in 2016 after engaging in a primary contest against said candidate. In 2016 as our host (Mr. Marshall) has reminded us, the fissures in the Democratic party were huge. Ms. Clinton and Mr. Sanders were their respective avatars. Blaming Bernie for Hillary losing is like blaming Hillary for Hillary losing. What’s the point at this point?