Behind The Putsch: Video Of Trumps Jamming To ‘Gloria’ Before Inciting Mob | Talking Points Memo

There were a few members of the flight crews who seemed to agree with Trump - one pilot was wearing some sort of gauze over his face which was a thinly disguised mockery of the mask requirement. Some pilots actually did return to the gate and offload the offending passengers. And Delta and United have between them put about 1,000 people on a no-fly list as long as the virus remains active.

I think more isn’t being done because in many cases the flight crew doesn’t believe management will back them up. It’s a weird manifestation of the “customer is always right” American ethic.

Here’s a link to the article:


All it takes is for the captain to take action. They are god in flight. Attendants should join forces to call out pilots who won’t back them up and demand that they be fired or reprimanded. And employers in general should take strong action against workers who disrespect other workers or use hate talk at work.

Of course, there will be, as we’ve seen, a huge backlash, forming a potential future fascist army of brownshirts whom a much smarter fascist leader could organize, train, equip and exploit to stage a coup someday. The storming of the Capitol was just a preview of that. But that’s no reason to let them get away with this. Whatever backlash there is, can be managed. But this can’t go on. It’s eating away at our society and ruining peoples’ lives.


It always was an annoying song. Now it can be retired.

It’s kind of astonishing - the command centre set up for his Nuremberg/Sedition rally.

The tents as green rooms, the multiple media screens, the sound stage, the refreshment tables, the plexiglass barrier to protect HIM during his speech egging them on.

Does anyone doubt that it was all assembled and paid for with government funds?


The song is about living in a fantasy world which is extremely apropos.

There were snarky comments about other songs at that rally including “My Heart Will Go On” and “Candle in the Wind”.


Choreography by Rick Perry with the help of Sean Spicer.


Maybe she was 15, and I was about 10 (Really we were 35 and 30). It sounds like you also have some southern roots. My father came from 9 kids also with a single mother in the deep south during the Depression. But 18? Woah!! That’s one tough woman.


What is wrong with his F’ing mouth. Its really difficult to watch him talk. I wonder if they are so jubilant today?


Here’s hoping there’s more behind-the-scenes video of them watching the crowd surge into the capitol building, and saying something undeniably damning like “Fuck yeah!! Now we’re talking!”

Behind The Putsch: Video Of Trumps Jamming To ‘Gloria’ Before Inciting Mob

♫ Throw out your hands
Stick out your tush
Hands on your hips
Give 'em a putsch ♫


I used to visit my Okie relatives as a kid. There were a lot of families with a dozen kids. Seemed about 50-50 whether pops was still around or keeled over from a heart attack/alky.


Nah, Central Asia, tribal culture, very different time and place.

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“Pumped up on Branigan, the President’s son…”

Is “Branigan” the new euphemism for coke?

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The version I remember was performed by “Them” sung by Van Morrison.

No, it was totally different. I never heard any other band cover it, listen to it and you will know why.

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People don’t appreciate what this video is. You just need to connect the dots, which I bet you can do with video.
Trump has been saying for years that he will not accept an election result where he loses. He told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by,” because this was always his plan B.

He told the rally crowd that “We’re going to have to fight much harder . . .We must stop the steal . . .And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. …”

Then he had a situation room set up, (the Don Jr video) where, after the speech, everyone, including Trump, is watching the crowd to see if it will move. Don Jr. says, “it’s happening, I think this is T minus a couple of seconds.” And you can see Trump turning away from the TVs.

In short, they are waiting to see if their ploy worked.

We don’t know if they planned armed insurrection, to bully Congress into overturning the election or just to punish everyone who refused, but it’s pretty clear that they planned for the mob to scare Congress. It wasn’t careless words, but planned incitement.

Add in some possible discouragement of the National Guard, and you have an open and shut case.


In the long version, Don Jr says, “I think we’re T minus a couple of seconds.” In the background, Trump, who during the whole clip has been watching the monitor, turns away. My bet is time stamps can show he waited until the crowd started to move. They intended to incite a riot and watched to see if it would work. My bet would be Trump left, surrounded by secret service, in an armored limo shortly after.


“If everybody wants you, why isn’t anybody calling?” Such an appropriate sentiment.

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“Injuries” is the media euphemism for “beaten down with a fire extinguisher”.

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