Behind The Putsch: Video Of Trumps Jamming To ‘Gloria’ Before Inciting Mob | Talking Points Memo



Everyone knows this is the only song that should be played for Trump.


Yep. Pissed in Boston. I’m like, “Oh, you wanna fight?? Let me show you what the residents of the ‘cradle of liberty’ can come up with😡!”

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Yes, he can, but he needs lawyers to draft the pardons, and if they refuse, no pardon.

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You married your wife when she was only 16?



No, we’d had a few anniversaries by then…


I just threw up in my mouth…

Impeach The Motherfucker Again!

Some might believe I’m too strident with regard to Satan’s Avatar. If so, if you can’t impeach him for sedition and fomenting insurrection against the Constitution and the peaceful transition of power, then why the fuck did our forefathers write impeachment into the Constitution? What purpose do the words regarding impeachment serve? To go after recipients of blow jobs? Grow a spine and stand up for your country, your government and your Constitution, and impeach the grossly corrupt serial criminal. This is the only way you can enforce a return to normalcy. At a minimum you must establish what is grossly abnormal and vile.

Fuck the apologists. To hell with anybody who says you can’t get a conviction in the Senate. If the rule of law is worth anything, then you must impeach. There is no alternative other than the moral surrender of quislings. The enemy is among us and occupies the Oval Office. He is a present and future danger. At the very minimum, remove him from office and bar him from ever holding office again.


So it’s true, you married her when she was 12?

Seriously, though, one of my great-grandmothers, whom I met when I was very young and she was very old, got married when she was 13 and shot out her first kid at 14, and by the time her begetting years were over she birthed 18, count 'em, 18 kids, 16 boys, one of whom was my maternal grandfather, and 2 girls. He and the siblings I met all looked like her. She’d probably be around 140 by now were she still alive. Apparently she wore out her husband, my great-grandfather, as he died quite young, in his 50’s or so. I don’t know how she managed as a single mother of 18. It’s like a real-life reality show.


He wants to a see crowds just wait til the trials, they will be massive.

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Oh no! Not Laura Bran again!

First one I thought of…

He might not even want to pardon them as they failed to make him president again and trump doesn’t like losers. Right now he’s pissed at almost everyone.

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The look on the idiot child’s face
papa is going to throw him under the bus
just like he did the putschists today on twitter

Fortunate they were not listening to

That’s an unfair thing to say about Fredo. “I knew the Corleones. The Corleones were friends of mine. Donald, Don Jr, Eric, Rudy…you’re no Corleones!”


Yes. The quickest way to get them is to go to an online S&M store; there is a subcult that likes to restrain each other with them.

There was an article in either the WaPo or The NY Times the other day detailing all the bad behavior by Trump supporters on airplanes, even prior to this weekend - refusing to wear masks, eating or drinking so slowly they could leave the mask off the whole flight, etc. Some of these guys actually did grab the backside of female flight attendants.

These guys really do want to return to what they see as the glory days of the 1980s. Trump gets that, which is why he is so popular with that crowd.

I can’t understand the women Trump supporters, though. The woman who was shot was in her 30s, younger than my daughter. What world does she want to live in?



There was an article in either the WaPo or The NY Times the other day detailing all the bad behavior by Trump supporters on airplanes, even prior to this weekend - refusing to wear masks, eating or drinking so slowly they could leave the mask off the whole flight, etc. Some of these guys actually did grab the backside of female flight attendants.

And yet authorities refuse to get tough with them. Is it fear of personal harm, not wanting to provoke mob violence, deference to white males, or actual simpatico? Our society has this unspoken and unconscious bias towards white males that allows and even encourages them to engage in antisocial and even vile behavior that would be condemned and dealt with harshly and even violently if it came from black males. That whole “boys will be boys” and “locker room talk” excuse–so long as they’re white. If they’re black, they’re dangerous thugs. It’s pervasive and mostly unopposed and few appear willing to acknowledge let alone stop this–most of all white males and their female enablers.

And that’s what Trumpism is really all about, once you strip away the ones who’ve latched onto him out of political opportunism to get their far-right judges, tax cuts and deregulation, or out of political fear so they don’t get primaried, disgusting white male losers (and their low self-esteem female enablers) who are butt hurt over being told to grow up and act respectfully and stop being such disgusting jerks. It’s not about ideology. It’s about deplorable white male privilege and common decency. Every last one of those male rioters is a stupid little boy who’s furious at being told to not call women bitches and whores and treating them that way, and to respect people of other races and backgrounds, and refuses to comply.