Behind The Putsch: Video Of Trumps Jamming To ‘Gloria’ Before Inciting Mob | Talking Points Memo

Why just for the remainder of his term? He’ll be able to incite violence effectively after he leaves.


GEICO does…

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They clearly had no clue of the legal ramifications of what they were doing. They were unmasked, made selfies that were posted to social media and were not at all worried about getting filmed. It was like some big frat party where you get to brag to all you friends about how drunk you got and the crazy shit you did. A lot of them are going to go to jail for a long time. Maybe they thought that Trump would issue a blanket pardon but he won’t do that unless he has something to gain. The death of the policeman puts this into another whole dimension, Trump won’t be able to pardon people complicit in the murder of a policeman.


FWIW having lived through the 80’s, the decade where Trump really made his mark as a fake wheeler-dealer real estate tycoon, Gloria was a really popular dance hall song that was played endlessly in the sorts of nightclubs that Trump frequented back then as he desperately tried to solidify his image as a business genius slash playboy, like Studio 54, the Copacabana and Limelight. He probably associates it with those “glory” days (pun intended), and likely never once paid attention to the lyrics. This is a guy who said he wondered how he could get a Purple Heart. Clueless, vain, stupid and vile.


After yesterday, Powell is clueless officially. I still can’t believe he said that. The last four years have been one out of repair roller coaster. And an actual assault on the Capital, with the intent of overthrowing the government. The man is drifting in a happy haze out there. Then bracket that with his involvement with 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq?


Freshman in high school here, it is an earworm that I have never been able to completely eradicate.


Hey, cut that out.


Well, chances are that officially, nothing is likely to happen in terms of Trump ordering a military strike or nuke launch, or Biden’s arrest, because no one in a position of carrying such orders out is likely to do so. But there are all sorts of things he can do unofficially, like incite his rabid followers to do yet more violence, or work behind the scenes through intermediaries like Erik Prince and his Russian connections to make something horrible happen that he believes will allow him to stay in power. The latter is why he needs to be removed ASAP, and Powell’s an idiot for not getting this.


A palate cleanser…


Well, it was probably the last time they had enough testosterone in their systems to feel like Macho Men…


Yep, we are in the same zone. And being in that seat gives him more access and opportunity. And right now he has seen his magical world spill out into reality, watched the distress, saw the adoration of his followers and will want more.

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What a colossal bunch of a**holes.


With a good dash of Sonny


Certainly his temperament.


Cher was always the strength of that team, and she had the good sense not to ski into a tree.


I don’t think this is getting enough attention
Trump incited a riot to attack the building which contained the ENTIRE line of succession
A national security nightmare out of a Tom Clancy novel


The 80s were the last bump in which the entitled, rich, white guy could operate with relative impunity. Everything about these people screams to a return to that time, if not much earlier. Trump and Rudy for example were late 30’s entering into their 40s. The behaviors they enjoyed were about to come under attack. I can remember when someone pinching or touching a stewardess backside for example was something laughed about. These are the guys who thought it was a deserved privilege. That behavior can get someone arrested, fined and sued now.


DT Jr. I know it’s probably been said many times before, but he really, REALLY has a backfeifengesicht.


Well it certainly made me happy to see Kimberly dancing while rioters are gearing up to destroy democracy.
There was a larger crowd than I expected, but if there were a hundred thousand people there I’d be surprised.


There’s got to be some footage of her giving Abe a lap dance. Not that anybody would want to see it :face_vomiting: