Why, of course he refused to bring charges. The police officer was white and the victim was black. Get with the program, people!
Is anyone surprised by this?
I hear what you are saying, but in medical terms homicide means at the hands of another. It does not nor should not be taken as being able to determine whether requisite intent etc was present.
That’s why it should have advanced to court for trial. The reasons given to dismiss were bogus. It was clear from the video what happened. A jury should be able to decide if that’s the case.
we’ve all seen the tape, Garner getting murdered by four cops, choked till he loses consciousness, dies, six minutes later the paramedics arrive and ask the cops why they didn’t perform CPR, the cops shrug. For selling loose cigarettes.
Barr has taken this administration’s political messaging to the seventh level of hell; part trolling, part executive sanctioned murder. Superficially this fat white tool may look(and talk) like a harmless living stand-in for Peter Griffin on “Family Guy” but make no mistake, he’s a mentally sick criminal just like his boss. Impeachment’s should be just a start…
I saw it as well and agree with you, but DAs make those decisions not doctors. The fact that the death certificate said homicide means only he died as the direct result of another’s actions. The same is true when a person clearly acts in self defense - it’s a homicide from a medical point of view.
Only 45 comments on this travesty of justice as I type and hopefully more to come.People hung up on the shiny object ** Trumps Tweets" and the constant back and forth.
Barr: “Well, I mean Eric Garner was a black man and all the police officers were white. It was a no-brainer.”
American justice Trump/Barr style.
It is not clear to me how many on this thread remember that a Federal prosecution would not be for murder. That was a state law crime prosecution that was already rejected by the grand jury in NY. The Federal crime would, I believe, be for civil rights violations, and it is my understanding that such a prosecution is actually difficult to bring because of the proof of intent required. I simply don’t know what the evidence of intent to violate civil rights actually is in this case. The far greater travesty is the grand jury’s failure.
So what is that the sign for?
Indeed. There’re accidental homicide, justifiable homicide, excusable homicide, and criminal homicide [which last includes murder, manslaughter (in many states voluntary or involuntary), criminally negligent homicide, and in many jurisdictions special cases such as vehicular homicide (which need not include any particular state of mind or showing of faulty driving if the driver happens to be over the blood alcohol limit).
It took me a long while to realize / acknowledge that this country is so much more racist than homophobic. I’m a gay male, white, 52, nondescript.
I know - I’m an idiot.
That doesn’t mean that any night I can’t get beaten to death for being a faggot, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
But the reason I mention this - is that it comes down to tribalism. The racists, I think, see many more presumed points of continuity based upon race, than sexuality.
White people can be shamed or moved to confront violence against gay or lesbian folk. Because - we are their kids, siblings, whatever.
We are of the same tribe.
Until inter-racial families are, and are perceived as, usual, race will always be the barrier.
Cases frequently don’t get brought if prosecutors don’t believe they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Without knowing the evidence related specifically to civil rights violations it is hard to judge in this instance. I suspect most commenting on this thread are reacting at a gut level (which may be correct) rather than based on actual evidence.
The Civil Rights Division at DoJ, Barr’s DoJ mind you believed they had enough to proceed and he overruled them. That’s all you need to know about how this case came to be dismissed at the federal level imo. This maladministration is allergic to civil rights cases, ‘barr’ none.
I was going for the sign of how much this administration cares for POC.