Azar Defends WH’s Refusal To Share COVID Vaccine Plans With Biden’s Transition Team


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I get more depressed the more it ticks up.

That’s a lot more Nazis than I thought we had here.


Sounds good to me.

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Funny how Trump thinks that all he has to do to make his problems go away is to fire someone. He has no idea of the structure of the organization that he is now the head of, and soon to be axed himself.


Was he one of the people who ‘raised their hands’ when they called for a vote on child separations? Then HELL YES he deserves to be tried for a ‘crime against humanity.’ ALL of them who voted YES (like Heydrich’s Wansee Meeting) should be in jail.


This is a great idea, a way to put what is one of the great evils of the medical insurance industry to use for the greater good.

Over the weekend, we were talking about an idea like @tena’s. Maybe issue a badge to people who don’t want to wear masks. As long as they wear it in a visible place, they don’t have to comply with a national mask mandate. However, at hospital, people with the badge are bumped to make room for those of us who do comply.

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The interesting thing about this disease is that it doesn’t seem to kill the wealthy, powerful people who have been the cause of its devastating spread. It’'s a sure sign of a plague sent by the devil himself. It spares only the evil among us.

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That’s just not how doctors do things. They don’t care who the patient is or who they voted for or if they believe in what is killing them.
Their criteria are different and I doubt you could change them. Nice thought but I think the insurance companies are a better bet.


And a huge financial penalty if you fail to wear your badge, or fail to wear a mask without a badge. Money talks, as they say.


That would be unethical.

Nothing wrong with the free market doing its thing to keep costs down, though. Insurers can reach out and survey policyholders for whether or not they believe in preventive measures like social-distancing, masks, etc. And note that in their policy.

Certainly, it’s a topic for public mention and debate, to get the conversation started.
Should healthcare workers be forced to risk their own health to care for people whose own carelessness got them sick?
Until that is happening, for-profit providers and insurers can’t really try to implement differentiated care.
Non-profit systems will still probably be on the hook.

But, you know, it’s always have these vigorous debates re: the pros/cons of capitalistic models vs others.
Especially before special Senate elections.
I wonder if Dave and Kelly are invested in any healthcare corporations …


Biden’s transition team has been blocked from accessing information on the administration’s vaccine distribution plans,

Translation: There IS no plan.


The ethics question is whether it is ethical to require healthcare workers to treat those who willfully ignore health guidelines, at the risk not only of their lives, but at the risk of the lives of their parents, children, and other family members. That is the discussion we will be having come January and February if these red states don’t start taking this virus much more seriously.

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I’m guessing that they’ve already spent any of the money that would be used for transition, as Trump and his cronies actually believed that they wouldn’t have to leave next year.

Would make perfect sense that they would have robbed it already, so how can they release funds that no longer exist?


Particularly now that Mommy is making them hand over the shiny toy to its new owner.


If they MUST give it to someone else, they want to make sure it is broken before they do so.


@ncsteve, you are completely right. Hell, they have never left off doing the wrong thing, to this minute.
One has to ask what’s gonna stop this mass murder right now? Because we all know that this disaster, just like NPD, is causing unpredictable and permanent damage. We actually have no idea how horrible a shape our government is in, how badly economic collapse is gonna be, or what society is going to look like for US citizens and our allies once this insanity diminishes. We sail into the hurricane as if somehow we’ll escape safely. We are not gonna escape without laser focus.

I don’t know what that looks like exactly since our tools have been buggered up beyond recognition.

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Trump isn’t going anywhere. He is incapable of believing he can’t shriek his way out of any situation. Someone with the capacity to make an objective calculation would skip town while there’s still time, but he’s quite convinced he can bluff, stall, lie and delay any and every attempt to bring him to justice.

I mean, so far he’s been proven correct. Why would he believe the game has changed?

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There is no plan…but I understand they are following an Atlas. A poorly researched, ill-drawn map that is leading us to ruin.


Ultimately, they will be gone sooner or by Jan 20, 2021. Whatever damage(s) they leave behind, the Biden team will have to work to undo as best as possible. Obama inherited a broken mess from Jr and he did his darnest best to return some semblance of normalcy, assisted by Biden.

So Biden will need another UNDO feature in his administration… but I believe we are up to the challenge… It is our burden and Dems are ready, willing and able to get it done. We should not despair or agonize… we should be grateful for the opportunity we have to UNDO the damage after only 4 years and not 8 years of complete collapse…


If not for Trump’s inner child, there wouldn’t be no Trump at all.