And now FOX is launching a whole new broadcast channel they openly admit is conservative entertainment, so they can finally dispense with the ‘fair and balanced’ or ‘news’ widow-dressing and focus strictly on propaganda.
“On the first count of the indictment against Mr. Jan Peter Meister, for making threats of bodily harm or death against a sitting member of Congress, we the jury find Representative Adam Schiff guilty as charged. White power white power white power down with darky Jesus saves, amen.”
Perhaps he should get the Sheriff Arpaio Arizona special treatment – pink jumpsuit and an un-air conditioned tent.
The indictment recorded Meister as leaving a phone call with the office of a congressman only identified by the initials “A.S.,” allegedly saying, among other things, “I’m gonna fucking blow your brains out you fucking piece of shit mother fucker.”
Meister continued,“It was a PERFECT call!! Read the transcript!!!”
You mean Fox is taking over the History Channel?
And, more recently …
Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man. He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2020
And a sex offender, too! This dude’s got a few issues. A nice, long vacation in the steel hotel will certainly fix him right up.
Cause: Donald J. Trump / Effect: Jan Peter Meister
Two pea brains in a pod.
His defense attorneys dispute “whether [Meister]’s words reflected a serious expression of intent to inflict bodily harm upon the congressman,” and argued in the Tuesday filing that jurors were at risk of being prejudiced because the charges involve threats “against a political figure who figures very prominently in the ongoing impeachment of President Trump.”
Thank you professor Dersh
OP that @tgp was responding to - confused me at first, as well…
“Nah, it was just a light-hearted expression of intent to inflict bodily harm - can’t you libruls take a joke!??!”
The Best Trump Supporter…”Blow Schiff’s brains our”
The Best Emulator of his Criminal IMPotus…who threatens the jurors of his impeachment cover up with “Your head on a pike”
Match made in Trump Criminal Hellhole!
All told:
Stochastic Terrorism + Mob/KGB tactics
= Trump + GOP+ Maggoted MAGAts
And you may find yourself
Reading about a shotgun-filled shack
And you may find yourself
Reading about a Fox News world
And you may find yourself
Clicking on a large Comments button
And you may find yourself in a horrible reality
With deplorable people
And you may ask yourself, well
Why did I read this?
Jan Peter Meister, does this sound like an all American name? Jan probably pronounced Yon, instead Gen.
Then there’s this:
And finally isn’t strange that he is named after the two middle Brady children?
If I’m not mistaken Spankee has also threatened Schiff. How come he’s not being charged?
ETA. Rick Jones has the quote above. Thanks
My God! What have I done?!
So on a serious note is the AZ sex offender registry anyway tied to federal back ground checks when purchasing guns? Or is the case where the ammo sexuals declare we have enough laws on the books and they aren’t being used.