AZ Dem Party Organizers Urge Sinema To Back Reform On ‘Arcane’ Filibuster | Talking Points Memo

In the end, she’ll fold under pressure.
Until then, she’s making it very hard for AZ Dems to support her.


I think she will too. If Manchin does she’s an accordion in a heartbeat.

hahahahaha It’s Manchin who is holding the keys to our new ride at the moment.


Manchin will fold, too—but it’s going to take a come to Jesus moment with Biden to make it happen.


(Somebody can help me out here)…but are Chuck and Joe rolling out the pro-filibuster-changing Dem Senators…little by little?


“All of this progress would bring us closer to the world that Arizonans envisioned when they elected Kyrsten Sinema to the Senate in 2018,” they added.”We strongly urge her not to squander this moment to protect a rule as antiquated and arcane as the filibuster.”

Had they been more like Republicans, they’d have lined up primary challengers by now.


Is Sen Sinema under the impression that taking Jeff Flake’s seat means she needs to act like Flake?!


Well, it seems she is acting like A flake.


The emails I get from her indicate that she believes a noun a verb and military/veterans will get her reelected. She seems to believe that working with repungants on the few things we can almost agree on is better than fighting for progress on the issues that make us democrats. It`s gonna be hard to vote for her again.


It’s still six years away from her next primary, but I can’t imagine Sinema not having a well-funded primary opponent.

ETA: Apologies, she’s up again in '24.


Yes she has an aura that says I’m only here a short time. hahahahahaha


Bit of a mystery to me, also.


She was a Green for maybe five years. She has been a Democrat for nearly twenty.

Incidentally, she also used to be a Mormon.


If you have suggestions …

She certainly dresses like one, but in fact she mostly avoids the press.


Yeah that’s a bit of a paradox.


Sinema is unfortunately politically too stupid to know what the right position to lead on is at any given time. She’s been a follower since the day she entered the Senate. Obviously don’t want to loser her seat, but she needs to be primaried in 2024 if she doesn’t take the short window available to her to prove that she can be someone that AZ deserves rather than someone they got stuck with.


Sinema has taken some real hits even though she voted to convict Trump and voted for the American Rescue Plan. She’s also going to vote for the infrastructure bill and has voted to confirm just about every Biden appointee that has been put up for a vote. She has already established one of the most pragmatically progressive records for a Senator in history, certainly for her state. Yet, she’s fumbled the PR of this by sticking too close to Manchin and making herself seem inscrutable. There’s no way she should have negatives this high among Dems and Indies with that voting record.

The problem is clearly the filibuster and that stunt she pulled on the min wage. She needs to either demonstrate that her brand of centrism can work by getting 10 GOP votes for a measure or she has to back filibuster reform. Getting HR 1/S1 over the line, which would benefit both her and Kelly would pretty much fix her problems.


She’s severely out of step with her constituents and her political instincts are progressively getting worse. It’s kind of sad and embarrassing because she clearly thinks she’s doing something, but all she’s doing is alienating Democrats all over the country. She seemed to have much better instincts early on. Something has changed and it’s hurting her. Badly.

It appears they’re doing exactly what they did when they removed the filibuster for judicial nominees. They’re slowly rolling them out one by one.


She switched to Dem in 2004 after losing a 2002 legislative race she ran in as the Green Party candidate. The switch seems to be pretty clearly motivated by wanting to win elections, which is exactly what happened. She also pretty clearly embellished the stories of her impoverished family’s living conditions, and I halfway expect that she made up the claim to being bisexual because it made her more than just an ally on LGBTQ issues. All around, not an especially trustworthy kind of person, it seems to me.


Somewhere in the following interval?

        [confused, untrustworthy]


Anyway, I agree with this:

The switch seems to be pretty clearly motivated by wanting to win elections

Continuing in this trajectory, she may now be at the point of diminishing returns.

We’ll see, I guess.