Why not? If they like eating coal and getting water-boarded (that’s for you, Shaun Hannity), then why not drink water from a toilet bowl? All in a day’s work for the ultra-stupid.
Cannot be repeated enough.
I’m hoping for something a little more memorable, like being “unintentionally” poisoned with gas station fugu sashimi his roommates — yes, 34-year-old President Miller still has roommates — bought him as a gag* gift.
Fun Fugu Fact: Tetrodotoxin poisoning has been described as “rapid and violent.” First is a numbness around the mouth, then paralysis, and finally death, which occurs from 20 minutes to 24 hours after ingestion. The unfortunate diner remains conscious to the end. There is no antidote.
*No pun intended, of course.
Are we talking regular measures of time or Scaramucci’s measures of time?
Wouldn’t that be the Hydra? Medusa just turned whoever looked upon her to stone. And if we are going to talk about mythological beings I would like the contact info for the Harpies.
Sorry, but KreepyAnne Conjob’s address is classified.
“Well…I don’t like Trump, but I just don’t trust that Hilary, are we ready for a woman president? I’ll stay home, it won’t make much difference who wins, they’re all crooked.”
Well, give a few thoughts on McConnell as well. Maybe picture Miller falling out of the 66th floor window and landing on McConnell.
I’m stabbing #MoscowMitch’s voodoo doll as hard as I can. It’s a start. He’s sinking in the polls. People are making fun of him and he can’t stand it (because this time it’s real and it’s hitting home). I’m trying for a stroke, one where he’s unable to talk or write anymore. Can only sit and drool.
(You know, I really am a nice old lady normally…)
A couple of his wives, too.
Hey! I might be an idiot. But, even I did not vote for Chiselin’ Trump.
A lot of the Trump voters ARE happy about this. It is an indication of how numerous the vicious, selfish, and demented have become in American society. They have always been there, but Trump made them feel free to come out from under their rocks.