…and with respect to the idea that we may be seeing the crescendo of the evil storm of Trumpism … who knows?
Who is to say we aren’t simply only part way up the ascending slope of this fetid mountain of toxic slime? Yes, it can get lots worse …
consider - we haven’t yet reached the point where various people (who are deemed “problems”) suddenly jump out of open skyscraper windows… and you know Trump has always envied Putin for being able to deal with annoying people in this way.
So when is Taylor going to endorse him??
Hat tip to Abe.
I loved the painfully accurate guide to Stupid Coverage Tropes. That is the first time me I’ve seen the phrase “poli-sci-fy” and I hope you don’t mind if I steal it (if anyone knows the originator, I’d be happy to credit them.)
Where were the tears? And the crawling on knees for help?
Bullshitter needs another round on this particular script.
Giving her the malocchio?
The more I see of this young lady, the more I like her. I didn’t realize she was already on our side. That’s what’s really freaking out the MAGAts.
This is a fake, you know.
I suspect that Christie lives in a rosy cloud where he thinks he has viability as a Republican politician and he’s trying to sustain that.
Not according to Marco Rubio and his best friend Caligula’s horse.
His traitorous ass. I hope he gets on no ballots beyond Utah. What an asshole. Bobby must be spinning like a lathe in his grave.
Christie votes in New Jersey. His nonvote will only make Biden’s win there light one.
I was thinking “they” will change the name to Rustinvania after West Chester, PA, resident and civil rights leader Bayard Rustin.
That would prevent him from formally withdrawing from the treaty, but I think the danger would still be that he would sit on his hands rather than order an immediate military response to a Russian attack on a NATO ally.
The military probably can’t act without a direct order from the Commander in Chief. Congress doesn’t control that. Congress could then impeach him for for refusing to act, but that process would take a while.
P.S. I haven’t read that funding bill, but I’m assuming it only covers formally withdrawing from the treaty, and has no enforcement mechanism that bypasses the President and activates a US military response if he refuses to act.
I had no idea they shared a birthday; fascinating, thanks for sharing.
- You have the stories about Democrats worrying, casting blame, and rallying in response to the stupid.
- You have the poli-sci-fi stories about how Democrats [can still nominate]"(https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/12/joe-biden-democrat-plan-b-nominee-00140790) someone else for president to save themselves from the stupid.
- You have the “everyone gets to play political consultant for a day” stories about what the slumping candidate must do to save themselves from the stupid.
- You have the stories about polls that serve to justify the stupid."
We get all that right here from some TPM subscribers.
It was an unexpectedly great game, especially in the last quarter and OT. Most of the ads, though, were just terrible. And I didn’t watch the halftime show (well, listen to it-- I occasionally looked up at it) – never do. It’s always a lot of bombastic overproduction, like the lead-up to the game and the awarding of the Lombardi trophy.
we will expell the warmongers
WTF are they going to do with the Republicans?