As We Cruise Toward Fascism, A Pit Stop To Fuel Up On Stupid

I wonder if Maria is too Republican to object that this point.

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Love the qualifying “if…”


The extended Kennedy family is not supporting RFK Jr’s candidacy.


No he’s not - he thought he could get away with doing that. Does he think no one has seen the accusations of collaboration with his PAC? Like so many wealthy people, he really doesn’t think the rules apply to him. Plus, he’s lost whatever tether to reality he used to have.


It would be more believable if the president had tears in his/her eyes


That’s the pattern. He says obviously preposterous things and then the political press twists themselves into knots “explaining what he probably meant”. They’ve been doing it since 2015 and will continue to do it because they can’t conceive of a candidate so completely uniformed, inappropriate, inarticulate and arguably out of touch with reality. Or, they’re just carrying water for him.


" * U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon will hold closed-door hearings in the Mar-a-Lago case under the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA). This is a normal procedural step in a CIPA case, but nothing is normal when Cannon is involved and the decisions she makes coming out of this round of hearings could prompt Special Counsel Jack Smith to make his first appeals in the criminal case. Donald Trump will reportedly attend in person today."

Make no mistake: attending in person is sending a message to Cannon.


If they don’t get to dominate America, then America as they conceive it is no more; they will rule – or might as well ruin.

I think the better allusion would have been, “Better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven.” Haven’t plenty of us been saying this for 8 years or more years now? It’s nice that other people are starting to say so too, but this is not exactly a fresh take.

They believe they shouldn’t have to, because they regard it as their prerogative, as the sole proponents of “real” (read: white Christian patriarchal) America, to shape the nation in their image and to define the boundaries of what does and does not count as “American.”

This misses the mark a little. It reverses the rationalization for the behavior. They are the sole arbiters of reality, and for them reality is that America is a white, Christian, patriarchal ethnostate. It has nothing to do with them being its sole proponents, it has to do that everything else is foreign, invasive, false. It may be impossible to govern with people who are simultaneously disconnected from reality and insistent that the world around them must conform to their delusions.

We know Trump can’t be Girolamo Savonarola, I don’t believe there’s a sin he wouldn’t be tempted let alone succumb to. But he’s surrounded by a whole herd of Savonarola’s.


She already understands the message. He’s just keeping the alternative for NOT understanding the message in front of her. It’s a threat, one she’s willing to accept.




And everybody thinks I’m high and I am.


He’s working the ref. He thinks he can intimidate Ms Swift into backing off on what Trump thinks is a near future endorsement of Joe Biden. It might work, or it might piss her off and she’ll bring an endorsement forward. Either way, he’s put her in a political, and perhaps, dangerous spotlight she doesn’t deserve to be in.

He’s a monster.


Republican Senators Vote To Advance Foreign Aid Package | Crooks and Liars
Trump spent the weekend telling senators they should not pass more unconditional U.S. foreign aid. More than a dozen Republicans ignored him Sunday, moving forward on a bill to send $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Via Politico:

The Senate voted 67-27 to advance the foreign aid supplemental spending bill that doesn’t include border provisions, moving it another step closer to passage. That still isn’t guaranteed, as leaders haven’t yet reached an agreement on GOP-demanded border amendments.

The package faces some resistance from Republicans, who say they won’t back further aid to Ukraine unless it’s amended to include border policy changes. Last week, Republicans blocked a bipartisan border-foreign aid package that was negotiated for months, arguing it didn’t go far enough to limit migration. Consideration of border amendments would require unanimous consent from senators, which is still elusive.


I thought the whole NATO thing was resolved.


Plus, and also too, the KC win has to cheese off TFG’s magats.

Politics aside, SF and KC played one of the better Super Bowls.


via Political Wire… Chris Christie [told NBC News] that he “can’t see” himself voting for President Biden, adding that he wants to wait for the final list of contenders before he makes a choice.

Said Christie: “I can’t see myself voting for him because I don’t agree with his policies, and I have serious questions about his competence to serve another four years. So, do I rule it out? I can’t imagine doing it.”

At the same time, Christie said he wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump “under any circumstances.”

I think Chris Christie needs to be stricken from the list of Republicans to bring onto Sunday morning show panels - he’s always twisting Democratic policies and now he’s basically stating he’s ok with trump winning a second term. I mean wasn’t his candidacy about doing whatever he could to ensure trump didn’t get a second term? But voting for Biden is something he just can’t do.

I like Liz Cheney’s comment in her book - we can live with 4 years of bad policies, we can’t live with a second trump term.


I vote for carrying water.


This is par for the course, and applies to pretty much any subject other than grifting.


He’s a white-knuckle heroin addict who has destroyed every relationship in his life, and he’s making everybody pay for being mean to him when he hooked up with his current wife and drove his previous wife to suicide. There is no reality there. There is no there there.

I really want him to go away now. Wake me up when his wife finds him with his daughter in law.


Regarding that Politico article linked above: I don’t believe this will happen at all, but in a hypothetical scenario where Biden magnanimously dropped out after accumulating enough delegates to secure the nomination, DNC delegates would absolutely, for sure, 100% throw their unanimous support behind Vice President Kamala Harris. I know the mainstream media fantasizes about Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer riding to the rescue, but there is absolutely no chance whatsoever that would happen. No chance.