As Dems Walk Infrastructure Tightrope, Charlie Brown Tendencies Threaten Delicate Balance

From what I saw yesterday they are only trying to contain the fire. Early footage showed the flames getting close to the drilling platform.


Funny. Just last night folks were commenting about Sauron on the boards…


The polling is good on Infrastructure.

The Messaging needs to reflect that.


Articles like this are getting a bit annoying. The Democrats are not playing the same game as the Republicans so it might be a good idea to stop treating them as if they are. They’re trying to get something done. The GOP is trying to stop anything from getting done. Democrats will have hurdles to jump as you do when you’re trying to get something done. Drop the yak about the GOP in “getting things done” because they done have a role in it.

BTW…in the Lucy and Charlie Brown act…Charlie is trying to kick a ball. Lucy’s just an asshole. That doesn’t put Lucy in the better or stronger or superior position. Nor should it stop Charlie.


Trump promised to get an infrastructure package done. He failed. He didn’t even try. He had both the Senate and the House for the first two years and did it ever come up for a vote? His legislative focus -if you can call it that-was to abolish the ACA and tax cuts for large corporations and the super rich. His administration did nothing for average Americans. His Covid response lead to the deaths of over 500,000 Americans. Even a modest infrastructure package is a helluva lot more than Trump and the Republicans considered. Give me a break TPM.


I’m beginning to think this idiot thinks she can run for POTUS in 2024.


OT: I know I’m a little late with this, but great news and, far as I know, bupkus from those Catholic bishops responsible for the entirety unnecessary and deeply political communion fiasco. You would think they’d want to give Biden a supersized wafer, at the least.

And it’s interesting it’s a Jewish AG doing this, while the previous Catholic one was fine with executions.

ETA: No communion for these folk?


I can’t do a goddamn thing about any of it except vote, and I live in Texas, so who’s to say my vote will even count?
But I put my faith in those persons in positions of power who are actually able to do something. If they are too feckless or naive (and I don’t see Nancy Pelosi as either of those things) to deal with reality–i.e. Republicans as they really are, not as we wish they were (looking at you, Joe “Unicorn Poop Magic Skittles” Manchin), then I guess we deserve what we get, even though most of us didn’t actually choose our “champions” directly and it’s not really our fault.
Should I weep in despair, or weep tears of hope?
How the hell should I know?


I’ll never forget how Hillary sent some thug from Williamsburg to go into the polling place with me and force me to vote for her in the primary instead of for Sanders.


Manchin has already floated his ideal topline number for a reconciliation package as somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 trillion, a far cry from Sanders’ ideal $6 trillion
OK West VIrginia, get to the back of the line.


That was the problem. Before the primaries even started, the rigging by the DNC was in place, such that the other mainstream potential candidates never jumped in the pool, leaving many unhappy voters picking between which candidate would lose less worse to the Republican. Socialist Bernie or “My Turn” Hillary.

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New avatar! Who is that precious child?


OT: Though I would take issue with Biden rebounding from an unforced error characterization, still a good article.


I don’t see it that way. I think the Dems are attempting to peel off just a few Republicans on just a few number of items on the package to successfully be able to call the bill “bi-partisan.” ANY bi-partisan package will be seen as a victory for Democrats, and a big crack in McTurtles shell that will hurt him and the entire Republican Party. Dems aren’t trying to appease the Republican Party. They’re only trying to find a small number of individual Republicans who still have a conscience, and put Country, or in this case the world, over Party.

But, i do agree with your sentiment. Good luck with that.


The Gulf of Mexico is changing its name to The Gulf of Cuyahoga.


We did not advance our argument about asymmetric polarization lightly. We had worked closely with members of both parties and are not unaware of the issues and divisions inside the Democratic Party. But we had seen the GOP go from a problem-solving center-right party to a problem-solving very conservative party — and then evolve into an obstructionist party intent on appeasing extreme forces inside and outside Congress. - From The Republicans waged a 3-decade war on government. They got Trump.

And it’s not a recent phenomenon - “Gingrich, on the other hand, started the 104th Congress [1995] with the “right” position on policy issues (a la Drucker) but was willing to compromise in the end. He had a hard time bringing his followers along. As a leader of the opposition, he had trained his troops to fight Democrats, not bargain with them."


Not just fine with, pursued with zeal. Aided by the catholic majority on the Supreme Court. The same document that lays out catholic objections to abortion also lays out objections to capital punishment. But the American conference of bishops didn’t attempt to deny any of them communion


Bernie Sanders is not a socialist but you’d never now that if you listened to the MSM or the Democrats, They paint him that as much as the GOP. He has the nest agenda for the American people offered by any politician in the country. But is it at diametric odds with the GOP’s 1 % agenda so out came the word smiths to fuck it up. That was assisted by the assholish nature of the Bernie bros. Total it up and an agenda aimed aimed at improving America from the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder to the top was sabotaged much to the GOP’s delight. Never heard heard HRC say “it’s my turn” but it was said enough for her and she was painted that way so much that that’s what people saw of her and how the media reported on her. In other words when it comes to Sanders and Clinton there was substantial rigging against them done by those that would have benefited from them and by those that had an obligation to drop the BS and be truthful about them.The net effect of “all that fun” and rigging was the election of Trump and the avoidable deaths of 100’s of thousands of Americans.


I always chuckle at how people think that Hillary rigged Brooklyn. Somehow they forget that Hillary was their senator for 8 years and how that resonates with people.


Charlie Brown should just kick the crap out of Lucy. Just once, to let her know there are consequences to her little game.