Argument To Disqualify Trump From The 2024 Ballot Enters The Republican Primary

Excluding trump and banning him from office is what normal sane folk would do. The GOP is not populated by sane normal folk anymore.


What I got, so far, is that the clause is self-executing in that it imposes on every officer who has jurisdiction over anyone becoming a candidate for a covered office the obligation to rule that such persons are not qualified and block them from being on the ballot.

However, I haven’t yet digested the 140+ page journal article. Does anyone who has done so care to weigh in here?

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Section 5.

The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

So, “appropriate legislation” requires just a majority of both houses and, I presume, signature of the President.

Alas, the GOP House will NOT pass this and would enough Republicans finally stand up to help the Dems pass it? With McCarthy as Speaker it would be exceedingly difficult to even get a vote on this unless all of the GOP agrees to vote no.

WE wouldn’t be in this mess…


My Pitasset (Basset Bull?) says the Rs will ignore it until they are finally granted the safe space to shake their heads ruefully at the “inappropriate” disqualification of der Trumpenführer by the obviously bought off SCOTUS.


Thanks for the explanation. This situation is confusing partially because Couy Griffin got the boot for his Cowboys for Trump mess. The distinction is Griffin was convicted, and the argument being made against Trump is the conviction isn’t necessary.


Didn’t that happen in the 1948 presidential election in Alabama?

So there is precedent for anti-democratic electoral coups.


I do seem to recall Trump’s people changing something, but I’m pretty sure the GOP primaries were already winner-take-all, so it wasn’t that. Though the only thing that comes to mind is that they made the Party Platform “Whatever Trump Sez…”


Every blue and purple state should do it. Who cares if it succeeds or not. The point is to eff with Republicans.


FWIW, regarding candidates being disqualified from being on the ballot in 2024…


That’s why elections matter and Biden shouldn’t be just running on Bidenomics or some policy matter towards all the good works he’s done while in office…and there’s no denying he has done a lot.

Saving Our Democracy itself is what he should be running on. That’s what should be on the ballot and Biden needs to make that clear as day. This is no time to fart around. The media is trying to get the country to accept an earlier political season with each upcoming election. Defining the opposition comes earlier and earlier it seems.

Democracy as we know it will be gone if Biden doesn’t win. I’m convinced of that. American style fascism will be what replaces our democracy. I believe its that dire.


Lack of judicial standards!? That doesn’t sound good…

Of course it has entered the GOP discussion. Nothing would more help their project of winning control of the
three branches of government than to have him disqualified. Probably best, for their purposes, to have disqualification determined around the convention. The draft Youngkin movement will assert itself. Shock and awe. New face unsullied by primary food fight. . Reproductive choice had better remain viscerally salient if the Biden/Harris administration hopes to last 8 years.



Great ballot measure btw. Operative word I think is “unexcused”. Maybe more states should do that. At the state level there are those states that will be able to get something like that on the ballot and some that won’t for obvious reasons. I think a national disqualification of a president over committing a felony however is an entirely different matter. Can’t be a local or state ballot measure when it comes to that unfortunately.

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Stranger things have happened…vis trump descending his golden escalator in 2015 to proclaim his august presence and that Mexicans are rapists and thieves or worse.
And people did not point and laugh…


(What Would The GOP Do?)

Stop pretending that democracy currently exists. What this would save us from is the Electoral College.

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Oh yes, it’s a wonderful idea to keep reminding voters that J6 happened. Wonderful for Democrats anyway. Let’s make the general election a referendum on J6!

Meanwhile the old school GOP’ers like McConnell are desperately trying to shove it into the rear view mirror. I thought Asa was smarter than this.


“I’m not even sure he’s qualified to be the next president of the United States,”

Now you’re noticing that? I’ve heard that Arkansas is a bit behind the times, but seriously, Asa…