Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Appeals Court Reinstates Florida’s Ex-Felon ‘Poll Tax’ Law While It Hears Case | Talking Points Memo
Federal judges have been Mitch’s pet project for years and now he finally accomplished his goal by having 0 vacancies on the Appeals Bench which hasn’t happened since Reagan.
Why the hell couldn’t we make it easier to amend the constitution?
I live here in Florida and this is just so goddamn depressing
Time and time again we have voter initiatives and time and time again the GOP uses the courts to thwart the will of the people
That initiative to restore rights passed by 65 % and yet they can’t accept it because it removes one of their favorite forms of Voter suppression
To add insult to injury they use our tax dollars to fight it
I hate Republicans with the intensity of 1000 suns and is why I tell every one of them to fuck off
They have absolutely no interest in democracy
Thanks for letting me blow off a little steam
I find running a leaf blower at 5AM relaxes me.
That seems out of character for you.
I do it in a closet in the basement. It’s a nice leaf blower.
And usually the GOP screams about government by judicial fiat! Surely, someone just needs to remind them about that.
I hope Miss Kitty agrees.
So where is Mike Bloomberg when you really need him - it’s just $500 a pop?!
Detroit Pustons … Atlanta Hawks)
I suppose it would be too much risk for players to give autographs at location on election day. Maybe they can lottery some signed memoralibilia? (trade your I Voted sticker for a lottery ticket)
"I think that at some point that’s just going to sort of just disappear, I hope.”
Exactly what I say about Trumpism in all of its forms, philosophy, peoples, and content.
V for Vidiot
Here’s a thought. Seemingly everyone in the NBA is gung-ho about displaying and professing their sympathy and allegiance with the BLM movement. How about they all get together and agree they won’t be playing their truncated season ending schedule and championship tournament in Florida due to the state’s voter suppression efforts?
^Racist^ Assholes
My first reaction was that this was Onion quality sarcasm, then (this being the United States in 2020) my brain suggested that it could be “Not The Onion”. I could definitely see the bastards trying this, even though money is fungible and the right to vote should be sacred…
Fox News is all over some story about how BLM representatives are offended that Keebler labels cookies “Chocolate Chip”.
See what happens when Republicans get to nominate and pick the judges? And pack the courts.
Ask McConnell about that.
Why I go nuts when people think their vote doesn’t matter or they can be bothered.
What is it about the term “poll tax” that neither Florida nor the 11th Circuit seem to understand?
Now there’s a GoFundMe I would get behind. The ACLU or someone with similar cred should just go for it, with a clear process for allocating funds into strategic districts first, but with a goal of “liberating” the vote of everyone by November. I image we could hear the Republican heads exploding from here in California…
Do you know how to get ahold of LeBron? That’s a good idea.