In your view, how does “learn how to compete at the major league level” differ from “learn how to cultivate the party’s major sources of funding”?
It’s a new era, those two things aren’t as linked as they used to be (although the media still over-relies on those as a gauge of success, which drives a false linkage).
You don’t need millions of dollars anymore to get the mass exposure, as AOC is demonstrating.
Now I never said he was the personification of evil. I used him to make a sarcastic point, the way Alvy Singer in “Annie Hall” speculated on meeting her that his future first wife was a certain NYC cultural stereotype with a “father with the Ben Shahn drawings” and it wasn’t meant as any slam at Ben Shahn.
Nancy Pelosi is the most effective legislator of her generation. Her skills go way beyond fund-raising. I am convinced that like many (most?) great leaders, she would be happy to see her proteges surpass her in achieving their shared goals.
Thanks, but I did not ask about Pelosi.
Good. We need them both.
The less I read about the the gang of four the better. They are a perfect foil for Trump. Let them do their jobs more quietly until they get experience. This democrat is not ready to turn the party over former Bernie Sanders supporters.
If you can turn Pete Seeger into an insult,
But we’re the one’s with the “purity” problem. Pretty low, trashing Seeger. Spent many days long ago walking and fishing the Hudson - when you could fish it. . Fucker Jack Welch put an end to that.
Captain of industry.
American hero.
Long may he rot.
As the late great Hubert Humphrey once said when asked about an inter party dispute in Minnesota, “Democrats are like cats. It often looks like they are fighting but when it is all said and done the result is more cats.”
Where it seemed to me you were coming from is intimating that Seeger was something of a buffoon (if he’s the root of a whiney leftie’s philosophy what else could he be, amirite?) and that’s what I was responding to.
It’s not a big deal, but I just wanted to speak a word or two for a dead old man who did a lot more for the causes he cared about than gasbags like @georgeh.
Or you or me for that matter.
These great women complement each other across generational lines of philosophical difference and life experience. They are learning the language of their new relationship, and are having to work out the pitfalls that come with doing so in the glare of a national spotlight. Their alliance - happily for us and for the country - will most assuredly survive these still early days and the slings and arrows sailing in from both sides. I am just glad we have each of them in our camp. And I respect them enough to believe that as grown women who value and want the same things fundamentally they will get it right on their own. Amazing how women and girls prove themselves more than capable of doing so every damn day, no? I’d say we stop helping (georgeh et. al.).
IMO it’s more that Pelosi can’t afford her, because AOC’s price is “doing things the right way and prioritizing the people over corporations.”
You can fish on the Hudson again now, though truthfully many people never stopped. I remember when I was a kid, you could see people fishing off the banks in towns like Beacon and Wappingers. Poor people. Lots of that along the banks of the Hudson. Probably now too for all I know.
Marat, we’re poor. And the poor stay poor.
How is it some of our motley crew (who shall go unnamed castor_troy) can get away with posting their own bad-awful attempts at poetizing and songwriting without a maligning murmur, but the mere mention of the admittedly sacred and iconic name of Pete Seeger as a point of reference draws heaps of scorn down upon the head of the one who cites him? Just asking for a friend… LOL
How is that you miss the point of something so very obvious? On both counts.
All in fun. Perfect rejoinder.
Not at all. The point is those beloved old lefty anthems present a world of moral clarity—This land is your land! This land is my land!—that the actual real everyday world doesn’t. Can we let it go now?
Looks like one of us/ Has a forged deed to this land!
Everyone has a price. Maybe not money. But there’s always something.