“The agency need only go back to its preapproved 2011 regimen and label,”
That would create quite a precedent. Require the FDA to go back to the original label and usage of every drug it has ever approved and subsequently modified. Job creators, creating jobs in the administrative state they are trying to dismantle.
Yeah a lot of the people who were involved in the old labelling may have moved on and the tech used to create labels is probably all obsolete now. It’s absurd of the Fifth Circuit to claim going back to a labelling and processing regime from 12 years ago would be relatively painless. A lot has probably changed under the hood, so they can’t just “revert” to an older setup. And they’d have to figure out how to “unwind” the new processes in order to replicate the old processes.
This is my most serious concern about what the Republican Supreme Court will do, leave it to the states to determine if its citizens can get this healthcare. Leaving it to the states will create two healthcare systems, one for poor women and one for everyone else.
That is what most concerns me is that the Republican Supreme Court will rule, through whatever logic, that a state can decide if FDA approval for this medicine is valid in their state.
What this will do is allow access to anyone who can afford to go out of state to get the it. For example if you live in Alabama you need to go to visit Virginia to get the medicine, if you have the time and money for the trip will determine your ability to get the healthcare you need and desire. But if you can’t afford to go to Virginia for whatever reason, you are out of luck.
Or to put another way, my fear is that the Republican Supreme Court will find a way to allow women with some means to get whatever healthcare they desire but for poor women, your screwed. And as there is a link between class and race, leaving it to the states will have a heavy racial component.
I agree, and I agree with the point I think you were making earlier (correct me if I’m wrong) - it probably impacted the vote some, but I’m not sure how much compared to some of the other crap.
I actually started to genuinely like Hillary as the campaign went on. Not as a campaigner (for obvious reasons), but because I think she worked her ass off and I think 25 years of demonization was a lot for anyone to overcome. Sadly, once the election was over and the pressure was off, she came across as more likable.
This feels a little weird to write, but I’d recommend watching her interview with Howard Stern on youtube. Both of them surprised me.
That was unexpected! It was really a GREAT interview, they both did a terrific job. I haven’t seen that many Stern interviews, but none of them showed him being as positive and reasonable and as much of a thinking adult as this one. She was engaging and honest and very knowledgeable.
Thanks for posting it. There are five parts, each around half an hour. That was time well-spent.
For as much crap as Howard gets, the one thing that is universally agreed is that he is a phenomenal interviewer. I understand his interview with Springsteen that was broadcast on HBO is up for some TV award or another, it was that good.
The “new” emails that Comey came up with were found on Anthony Wiener’s laptop. The laptop was confiscated months before and its contents ( its fucking emails ) used against Wiener in an under age sex beef. Wiener’s wife was Huma Abedin, HRC chief of staff. She used her husband’;s laptop to send and receive email when she was at home. That’s how mail to HRC was on Wiener’s laptop.
The branch of the FBI, the Manhattan office nick named “trump land” was in possession of this laptop, had the pass word and was digging through emails MONTHS before Comey’s October surprise. But miraculously did not see the mail to HRC until a very strategic time. They claimed they did not have a warrant to look at Abedin’s mail and we are to believe that Trump Land, with this laptop in their possession…alone with it…behind closed doors…saw “Clinton” and honored that bullshit warrant crap. No
They saw the mail long before the election. . Realized it was nothing BUT…could play it. Wait and then say WOW…look what we found just days before the election ( as Comey did ) and allow the MSM and all that jazz to go to work. Then…after half of America had already voted…"sorry bout that’.