Won’t anyone think of the wildlife?
Could anybody make out what he was saying? Curious-
Braggadocio? Mousefucking if that.
But on the positive side they do make it easier for the rest of the population to be above average.
Parole violation. Go directly to the GQP primary. FIFY
Violating wildlife? I believe it’s still legal in Mississippi and Arkansas. Maybe that’s why he went a wanderin’
Or he is your typical white MAGAT who A) can’t stand to see a POC doing a job that does not agree with his Fauxnooz “truth”
B) is a fan of Donnie and believes that the bullying behavior that the orangeman practices is what rich men (or wannabe rich men) are entitled to put on the rest of us.
The beginning of the end of democracy began when Rush Limpballs and Rupert Murdoch found a niche audience among the stupidest and meanest of the public.
Well damn fool is already taken.
Could he be more specific on what he does want to be called? I don’t know if it’s Jacob Chansley or Jake Angeli or Yellowstone Wolf or Angels We Have Heard on Hiawatha or whatever it is next week. It’s not going to be an issue much for the next four years, though.
I think he can turn to his fellow inmates for his nickname. I’m sure now that they understand his need for organic food and special treatment they’ll have some good suggestions.
Hornyhead Dumbass?
They’ve all been subject to misfortune and I’m sure they’re more empathetic because of it.
You have a different set of facts than I have.
And the fact that he chose* this particular live media report to start yelling about accuracy in reporting is pretty much all we need to know about how radicalized he became. While there may be passing commentary by an anchor about something quasi-political like climate change, the actual report he interrupted consisted of “look at what’s happening around me that I don’t really even have to talk about.”
*“Chose,” of course, means just happening to drive by people with a camera and microphone, although I suppose it’s possible he was driving along the coast looking for a reporter.
If you don’t want to think the best of people that’s just sad.
I tried hard between 2000 and 2015.
OK, you had a pretty good run then.