Definitely has significant impulse control issues.
You joke but I happen to know this guy has been sleeping Lindell’s attic for the better part of two years.
Made me blurt a mouthful of coffee.
He gets a Gold Star from TFG.
The anger management class he attended didn’t do him any good, did it?
Told you ! The picture of an angry white dude charging at a young black reporter doing his job in Mississippi was exactly what it looked like, except the white dude was even nuttier than the average white supremist - having tried to kill a bunch of people by taking a drill bit to a tank of HCl. In other words the prototypical rabid Trumper.
I swear you can’t make this shit up !! Everyday I wake up and have to pinch myself to prove I am not just having a bad nightmare.
So that’s why he’s so angry!
No one sat on his neck for 8 minutes? Choke hold? Shot in the back of the head? In the back? 43 times?
Pale privilege at work.
Look, there is no evidence that this white guy is a danger to himself or anyone else as long a you forgive and forget the several times he tried to to start an environmental disaster in an urban area, breaking and entering for same terrorist act, assault on a security officer, violation of subsequent parole, another round of assault, plus several other charges… he should be released on his own accord. He has some very important rallies and fox news interviews to give.
It’s not like he’s black and trying to walk his dog for crying out loud.
As an AWD with a pickup, he has a God given, constitutionally guaranteed right to take up more space on the planet than any of the rest of us. He was exercising that right by telling the TV crew to (metaphorically) get off his lawn.
If he wasn’t in Ohio, he was violating probation.
His attorney swears he’s no longer the person he was last week. Promise. If the courts will see fit to release him and pretend none of it ever happened he’ll be a good person.
A great many people in DC on 1/6 were on probation in their home state. Many were observed wearing ankle monitors.
Trump loved all of them. Except the ones that were Antifa. Which was most of them. Actually. Actually all of them. Actually. He didn’t love those people.
Being Caucasian is a pretty sweet gig.
Yeah. And if he’d have been a black man drilling holes in chemical tanks, he’d be in the slams for the rest of his life.
I’ll bet that his school records are repleat with C’s, D’s, and “does not work or play well with others”.
The path of least resistance here is to simply revoke his probation and max him on the Ohio charges to which he’s already pleaded guilty. While he’s cooling his heels in Ohio DOC they can then deal with the MS charges.
On a crap pillow.
If this guy was on 5 years probation (sentenced in 2018) shouldn’t his actions since then vacate that? While he may face additional charges, shouldn’t he await them while serving time for probation/parole violations?

I’ll bet that his school records are repleat with C’s, D’s, and “does not work or play well with others”.
A black kid can accrue 3-4 serious criminal confrontations with police, rooted in a crime, and get thrown in jail for months or years. This guy does it like clockwork once every season of the year for years on end and he’s driving around town flipping off the police.