For a man of Trump’s girth it still amazes me how transparent he really is.
McCarthy is on ABC tripping over himself, trying to “both sides” this tragedy.
One report has it that one person was shot inside the Capital building.
I think he needs to swallow a few teeth, with the assistance of a righteous fist.
Fat Nixon is releasing a video, now being humped by KAC. who apparently has risen from the grave.
Jan 6, 2021
A day that will live in infamy.
(to borrow a phrase)
Thanks, Trump
National Guard Deployed To DC | Talking Points Memo
For what purpose? To find Pence and make him throw out the electors?
Impeached, impaled, impounded makes no difference to me which, or on what order these actions happen.
Trump and his ilk is still “Release the assholes”.
OK, the motherfucker just released a video statement full of lies and the same bullshit about the election he’s been saying for 2 months. 25th him and impeach and arrest this prick now.
You misspelled “guillotined.”
Trump just put a video saying that his landslide election win was stolen from him by very evil people, but asks the protesters to go home anyways. Simultaneously inciting and asking for restraint. Jail the SOB
I’m thinking something more drastic. But I don’t want to be accused of wishing bad shit on bad people.
And his request to the rioters/terrorists is still just a whining bitch complaining about being robbed.
I have a lot of questions about the Capitol police’s role in all of this,
They’re very busy.
Taking selfie’s with terrorists:
Cops are taking selfies with the terrorists.
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) January 6, 2021
He just did what you said he would do to a T. So what stocks are good for tomorrow?
I have a lot of questions about the Capitol police’s role in all of this,
They’re very busy.
Taking selfie’s with terrorists:
And they get upset when they call them pigs.
Or, more likely, they’re trying to defuse the situation. Too bad they only do this with white men, though.
And now Trump is sending in his National Guard to arrest all the Democrats and find Pence and force him to throw out the electors.