A Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization, in fact.
‘Absolutely Bogus’: Republicans Blast House GOPers Who Downplay Capitol Attack | Talking Points Memo
What, suddenly “fake” isn’t good enough anymore?
Trumps plan come to fruition. Make them too afraid to stand up to the usurpers.
The mystery is that any person over the age of 10 did not see this coming in the summer of 2015.
It has an extra letter so it’s a bigger word… oh wait, this isn’t scrabble.
All members of Congress know the facts of the matter. Period and full stop. They were there, after all, and, if for reason have any niggling doubts, have access to Intelligence and other resources. It’s not an exaggeration, at this point, to suggest anyone promoting Trump’s lie or supporting him is an enemy of the American government. This is why, I think, we’ve seen even the most milquetoast of reporters lash out during interviews.
Yeah because Americans were not amused by what happened on January 6. Not in the slightest.
This was true for impeachment for sure and probably refuting the Big Lie as well.
House Republicans say they won’t impeach Trump because of death threats - Vox
Yes let’s molly coddle the old coot who wouldn’t recognize Truth if it came up and popped him one on the nose.
Maybe because Trump has grotesquely abused the word “fake”, as in the ubiquitous “fake news”. Where, by chance, can fake go it get its reputation back? It hates that some people might think fake actually means real.
I am waiting for Dana Bash (who I like) to tell the next one: “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.”
Hell…it’s an understatement.
Well, I’m not sure I have anything against the horse……unless it’s one of those scheming horses taking illicit drugs that Trump warned us about…
Well, yes. Understated hyperbole is my calling card.
I see weakness and mass fear in the GOP House members. Nothing is going to whitewash this deadly insurrection their supporters leveled on the USA. They are only making things worse for themselves with this crazy talk. Please, proceed…
Yeah and to me that is the epitome of fascism.
I think this is promising. Glad to see it. There’s only so much Democrats can do on their own. I mean, given the country’s very strange and very incomprehensible faith in “bipartisanship.”
I myself tend to agree with Ezra Klein. Bipartisanship is wildly overrated.
“All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.”
It wAs tourists doiNG huGs anD kiSSes. JuSt TOO enthusiastic wIth ThE huGs. HuGs so Hard, eyes PoPPed ouT. HuGs thaT broKe ribs. hugs wiTH fire extinguishers. PatrioTs loVe the PoliCe. just with Too MuCh viGor.