A Third Of Americans Think Anti-Government Violence Is Justified

This the absolute same 34% that has supported TFG from the start so where is the surprise in this? All through the last administration, TFG’s approval ratings never went below and hardly ever above 33-34%. Not a surprise to me.


Welcome back.

It’s been known for decades that pollsters write the questions in such a way that their benefactors already know the answer. They write the questions to get the desired response as the ‘winner’ in the poll. Totally biased.


The question asks if it would ever be justified. Well, ever covers more than a few possibilities.

Coz if Pence had done whatever it was he was told by Trump to do, and somehow Trump was sworn in by weaseling Roberts, and Trump decided to arrest members of Congress for instance, then yes, violence against the usurping ahole would be justified.

Clickbait all the way around.


Yes, and TFG will someday be gone. Either out-primaried, senile, or dead.

And the R-Party will have a hell of a reckoning on that day.

  1. He runs for 2024, and loses the primary - 1/4 of R-voters will stay home out of protest

  2. He runs for 2024 and wins the nomination - The R-Party is decimated from the contest

  3. He doesn’t run in 2024 - He refuses to endorse the candidate, and throws bombs from a distance, at whoever does run


If you read the poll, 23% of Democrats are on board to violence.

This is how countries spin down to civil war, genocides and economic collapse. First drive nonsensical polarization with propaganda, create an environment where everything is seen as win-loose at the extreme, make seem as your neighbor is the enemy, and finally promote the use of violence as both acceptable and necessary. Of course “the enemy”, after exhausting alternatives, then engages in the fight.

Thanks to the GQP, the USA soon can become a “shit-hole” country too.


The GQP base has been fed a series of lies – and have chosen to believe them – that the Presidential election was stolen from them. It’s at least a democratic rationale to ‘restore’ the sovereignty of the people.

The past election was the least corruptible in my life time because such a high percentage of the voting systems had back.up paper trails. This saved us in Georgia. It may be possible to peel some people away from the GQP by showing they have been had.

Sarah Isgur on This Week was trying a bothsiderism about Democratic complaints as to whether Trump was actually elected. Aside from him losing the popular vote, there were enough unauditable voting systems that could have been corrupted. Did it happen? Well the Russians certainly tried… And that’s without counting the Russian contributions to Trump via social media.


Media shocked, SHOCKED by polls confirming a third of us are violence prone idiots.


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The belief among the right wing that the left would never fight back has always struck me as idiotic.


Generally the “Crazification Factor” is about 27%, so it is within the ballpark. A lot of these people also believe in UFO’s, they are not serious.

Having been in the military, I am fully confident that our armed forces are more than capable of handling any threat either foreign or domestic.


The pro-violence numbers break down like this:

  • 41% of independents
  • 40% of Republicans
  • 23% of Democrats

As some others have alluded to - if the coup attempt had been successful or at least delayed things so they thought it was successful - I fully believe there are those on the left who would feel it was right to respond with violence to stop them.


And don’t forget the conspiracy theory that refuses to die that says the moon landing was entirely staged in Hollywood. I have one of those in our circle of friends.


Trump’s Apathy Toward Attack

I am 100% sure that “apathy” is the wrong word here. Fascination, zeal, some sort of cross connection in his nethers - definitely not apathy.

ETA Sorry to criticize – I’m delighted to welcome back the Morning Memo!


Here’s another depressing figure: 62 percent of Americans expect violence from the losing side in a presidential election in the future, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll.

Why shouldn’t they? If this last year has proved anything, violence seems to work and is largely unpunished.


The question is worded so all it takes is approval of violence by others. Let’s you and him fight. It’s not an answer about whether the respondent would personally get up off their sofa, turn off the TV, and go attack someone in the streets. It’s a meaningless performative answer.

I’ll grant that this is not a healthy place to be in a society, but the root causes are less about the political divide, and more about the way those differences have been amped up by social media. Blame Zuckerberg for this.


And you would be right. Civilization is falling away from America as we embrace the politics of the rich and powerful. Money is free speech and oligarchs are more free than all the rest of us. Only their opinons count.


It was clear at the time which side he was rooting for and it wasn’t law and order.


Why should we be surprised that 34 percent of Americans think that violence can be justified at the government? We literally celebrate armed insurrection upon the legal government of the Colonies as our founding every Fourth of July. Texas and California were founded on rebellion. Our first president was the commander and chief of the insurectionist( spelling?) army that won our independence. One of the Founding Father’s said that the tree of liberty must occasionally be watered with the blood of patriots. It’s explicitly said in the declaration of independence that its right and expected to rebel and attempt to replace a tyrannical government. Basically what I’m trying to say is that it’s ingrained in the Anerican psychi to rebel when wronged. The rub is sometimes the rebels and rioters and insurrectionists and civil disobeyers are the good guys,:American revolution, Rosa Parks,freedom riders,the occupation of wounded Knee in 1973,the Chicago riots during the Democratic national convention,the riots last year sparked by George Floyd’s Death. And sometime the rebels, rioters,and insurectionists and civil disobeyers are the bad guys: American Civil war,War,Jan 6th,bundy stand off,Ruby Ridge,the race riots in Tulsa and elsewhere.


Qevin will say something monumentally stupid.


The coup failed and many of its lower level participants are being jailed. Consequences have yet to come to the ringleaders. Early days.


Good Morning, Pollyanna.

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