Sooo was he really working in the US Department of Justice, or the Justice Department of the US? Can we see his W-2s?
Truck Fump
He should have said “I am no expert, but I stayed at a holiday inn.” Apologies to holiday inn.
He should be criminally investigated and sued for fraud when Biden comes in. No one should ever work for litigants in private litigation while on the federal payroll.
And I would hope that the US Attorney would investigate if his testimony in Court was fraudulent as well, if the Court will not.
Best bumper sticker ever!
That wouldn’t work, it’s “I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express”, thus smarter than those that stay at a regular Holiday Inn.
Good point
Trump’s crackerjack lawyers make a good argument to switch to mail-in only voting on Constitutional grounds. It already exists in 5 states.
As Mark Twain noted, “There’s lies, damnable lies, and statistics.”
Or in this case, damnable corrupt RW statisticians who play the age-old republican party game of taking any available data out of context and twisting it to fit their predestined outcome. R’s have been doing this at least since the early 60s (Phyllis Schlafley made a career of it).
New GA Senate Runoffs Polls:
Warnock (D) 52% (+7)
Loeffler (R-inc) 45%
Ossoff (D) 50% (+2)
Perdue (R-inc) 48%
We have to make sure this turns into wins.
He comes with a number of standard deviations from reality.
Overholt, the Bureau’s deputy director for data, “conducted this work on his personal time and in his capacity as a private citizen,” the Census Bureau said in a statement to TPM.
If you believe this I have an '81 Chevette, with just a little rust and only a couple of dingers, that I’ll let you have for the bargain price of 35 Gs. If you can find a rear axle and can unseize the engine, the thing will drive like a dream.
Wacky! Zany! Holy Toledo, Batman!
In Applied Statistics, from the University of Northern Colorado.
Let’s just say it is not a rigorous program in Statistics. Looking at their program, there is no discernable theoretical underpinning to a collection of Applied This and Applied That courses.
Given his affiliation with the Oompa-loompa in Chief, he’s probably a mean absolute deviate.
Given his affiliation with the Oompa-loompa in Chief, I’d be more inclined to believe that he’s an out(right)liar.
“Mean guy”
No he’s just a standard deviant.
I like the word “wacky.” Is that wacky or what?
Which polling firm?
Overholt is a Hack, a Hack, a Quackity Quack.