A Rundown Of Some Of The Most Absurd Alleged Insurrectionists

Imagine having to explain to your loved ones that you got busted for trying to overthrow the government because you just had to record yourself invoking an ancient meme that sprung from Dos Equis commercials while bragging about how you tried to overthrow the government.

Oh, I don’t think that’s the most embarrassing part of this one. The most embarrassing thing is that he’s bragging about drinking such shitty beer, although that’s probably a result of political affinity with the Coors family. It’s certainly not because it tastes good.


I would just like to point the obvious here, most of these people were male, white, and working. Can’t say what the percentage totals for working class, middle class, and wealthy, but these folks supported themselves and their families. They had the time and the freedom to remove themselves from work. And yes I know that Fucking Global Pandemic thingy was raging, and vaccine availability hadn’t hit this age group yet, but still these yahoos weren’t grocery store clerks, or any kind of retail worker-flash backs of Black Fridays past would thrown them into fear and flight mode.
So besides their ages, I want to know where they fit on socioeconomic scale. Just can’t wait for the “special report” in the coming years of the break down why these folks did what they did, and why they thought they could do what they did.


That may be kept as secret as the JFK assassination papers.

And how they could ostensibly hold down jobs while being so incredibly stupid.


I’m old enough to remember the National Lampoon High School Yearbook parody and the mysterious Mad Crapper … so yes, I had mused that it could be someone financially situated like Jet-Setting Texas Realtor Lady, or Kenilworth Dude, who could hire, say, Barry Scheck to challenge the analytical results, although the disgrace attending the inevitable publicity of such a gesture makes it sort of unlikely.

It would be enough for me if someone produced lucid video footage of a MAGA-hat, face in sharp focus with his breeches down-givvyed and his hand reaching into his rear. But maybe the US Attorney’s Office already has it and is just frying the smaller fish first.


I do remember later reports that those that had been identified by friends, family or coworkers did actually lose their jobs.

This is just one of many articles on the topic of insurrectionists lose jobs

Here Are the People That Have Lost Their Jobs After Participating in Capitol Riots (newsweek.com)


Eh no, I think that since a lot of this is public information some news organization is already working on it. And some of the participants will have time on their hands, and will want visitors.


Also this is my not-yet-enough-coffee-to-be-fully-awake musing on why the obvious thing for the greatest part, these where white people. White people who rail at and railed at BLM protests, other social protests. These folks actually did more than the PNW antifa ever could accomplish.


And I bet is a good reason the NG and military didn’t want to be involved - put some POC in there and I have to wonder if the reluctance would’ve been quite as strong. It’s pretty much all they were waiting for, wasn’t it?


Yes, this one notes that a general counsel for an insurance company and the CEO of a data analytics firm were fired for being part of the insurrection.

Again, it’s hard to understand how they could hold down jobs like that and still be so incredibly stupid.

Well, on second thought:



The Texas Monthly’s Bum Steers’ awards must be part of this list

To all TPMers (you’re like close family): Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. If not, may the FSM bring you peace and joy.


True, but keep in mind that there is a selection bias in the sample set. The crooks that law enforcement and the courts have the most interaction with are the ones who got caught.


I would just like to point the obvious here, most of these people were male, white, and working. Can’t say what the percentage totals for working class, middle class, and wealthy, but these folks supported themselves and their families.

Not so obvious to me. I would say you’re giving them way too much credit.

They had the time and the freedom to remove themselves from work.

How does that work?

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Somewhere (and I’m not coming up with it) Berthold Brecht says something about the Stupidity of the Fascist is deliberate, performative: a reactive attack on facts and reason, as incompatible to their reach for power. They delight in being an affront; and kicking down your worldview…
Strategic Stupidity has been embraced by the Base and their masters.


The “we are not a match” girl reminded me of a time when I was 19 and at a bar wearing jeans and a t-shirt and I approached a beautiful girl who was dressed to the nines and asked her to dance. She looked me up and down from head to toe and said icily: “I don’t think so.”

Memories… :smile:


Perhaps not the actual quote, but:

“The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies.”


An apposite quote, but not what I seem to recall.

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Merry Christmas and at least TX is cleaning out the rubbish.
Some of why I have all these questions is that on Fresh Air yesterday they had the reporter from HuffPost that has spent much of his time covering the online civilian sleuths tracking these folks down.
First point is that if you are part of a mob that breaks into a place don’t do it during a Fucking Global Pandemic where people have a lot of time on their hands to track you down by scouring the internet.
Second if you’re in a mob that’s pushing-STOP and remove yourself. You’re in a mob that is out of control and at a concert, or you’re in a mob breaking into a place that you shouldn’t be in.
Third and if for some reason you happen to be in a place you shouldn’t because of a mob, then don’t fucking post that you were there.


It sure seems to fit the know-nothings that TFG got to the polls.


Self employed, own the company, or the Fucking Global Pandemic gave them Too Much Time On Their Hands.

(Thank God Tommy finally figured out what to do with his hair)