A Budget Deal Has Been Reached — Will Trump Scuttle It?

Or there’s literally no leverage that we have that could force the issue. It doesn’t matter how good a negotiator or politician you are, if you’ve got nothing the other side wants badly enough, the other side don’t budge. And there is nothing the GOP wants badly enough to be willing to remove the debt ceiling.

Rather than giving up an annual lever they can use to try to starve the government of funding? Yes. Yes they would. They’ll just say ‘Trump would veto anyway’ and use that excuse to never bring the bill to the Senate floor, so they’re not on the record.

Gingrich broke politics decades ago. You’d think at some point the Dems would catch up.

Abandoning principles is not a thing I’d want to catch up with.

The dems unwillingness to wield power will doom us.

I would rather be doomed fighting against the actions of unprincipled people, than be doomed as one of them.