837,000 Unemployment Claims Filed Last Week

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1335601

Trump has done more for unemployment than any President in history.


Typical week for unemployment claims historically was 250,000 - 300,000. All time record going back to 1948 before March was about 675,000.

This figure of 837,000 continues a 6-month unemployment disaster.


Thank God the fault can be entirely assigned to the Yellow Peril.


Donnie’s campaign should really push this as a tremendous improvement over the early months of the pandemic.
It’ll be kinda like the 200,000 dead: such a tremendous improvement over the speculated 2 - 3,000,000 from the early days of the virus. This has gotta be more A+ work.
Really, living people have never seen anything like it.

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If he hadn’t cut off travel from China there would be 159 million new unemployment claims…EVERY DAY!!!

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The GOP and industry leaders are idiots. Somehow they think killing off their customers and supporters during a pandemic is a brilliant strategy.


That statement cuts to the heart of the matter. We should all get accustomed to this condition being with us for awhile.


And the Gov and industry needs to take a longterm view. There is no quick fix, there will be considerable unemployment for sometime, bars, restaurants, theaters, travel industries, etc and thier employees will suffer. Need a plan other than open up.


Even the people they don’t kill won’t be visiting their surges any time soon.

You can’t help your economies by placating the worst among you, passing laws that legalize running people over, and making your states into no fly zones.


The campaign thinks of them as props, now: they just gotta be there to crowd the space and shout approval when Donnie speaks. When the shows over, the scenery gets taken down. What happens to it then is someone else’s issue.
That they’ll actually need their supporters to come out to vote is still a secondary consideration, not part of their ‘on time’ calculations yet.


Does this include the 28,000 folks Disney laid off, or the 32,000 that United and American Airlines just furloughed?

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If Biden and Harris are inaugurated on January 20th, the GOP will start bellowing about how terrible high unemployment is on January 21st.


Of course they will. If Biden says the he likes to send birthday cards to friends to celebrate their birthdays, the GOP will condemn that kindness too.

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