5th Circuit Panel Accuses Right-Wing Judge Of ‘Abuse Of Discretion’ In Obamacare Case

OK, but didn’t he testify to the Judiciary Committee about respecting precedent (as all of the other liars did)? Just like the 'Balls and Strikes" guy?


Also, enthralled, enchanted, enabled, enthused, encouraged, enamored, enervated and last, but not least, entertained. They so enjoy watching people suffer and knowing that it is due to their “hard work as public servants”.


Yes, he did.

But like Chief Justice Balls’n’strikes, he weasel-worded it. They all left themselves an opening to overturn Roe: Some cases have been decided incorrectly (examples include Dred Scott and Plessy) and need to be overturned despite precedent.

Anyone who didn’t know that Kavanope, Gorsuch, Alito, and OfJesse all had hard-ons to overturn Roe just wasn’t paying attention. I think Chief Justice Balls’n’strikes is a special case: he did not want to overturn Roe. He was content to hamstring it to the point of irrelevance.


How do you know that she didn’t? There have always been solutions to such problems.


That would explain a lot.

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And I should add that it’s the abuse of discretion standard because it’s an appeal from an order by the district court granting or denying equitable relief, i.e., an injunction. You wouldn’t get many of those at the CCA.

So the criminal MAGgots are corrupting our Justice system, again and again…

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I know. I was just stamping my little feet and going “Darn it!!!”


Way to bury the lede. Since we’re speaking specifically of equity, I withdraw my objection to your statement, which I took to be meant to apply globally. I am only somewhat embarrassed, rather than mortified, to have done so.

Everyone with a few brain cells knew that he was lying. Susan Collins is an
idiot. I expected Senators to be more intelligent. Not any more.


She could have had her Margaret Chase Smith moment… instead she became a rube ( once again) for the right wing money men. Dupe is her middle name, and she’s ok with it. Gone is the ‘moderate’ veneer, she’s a pearl clutching maga senator now.

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