Oy, vey…
This story is so weak that it would have more credibility if it had been announced at a press conference with Jacob Wohl and Jack Workman.
Oy, vey…
This story is so weak that it would have more credibility if it had been announced at a press conference with Jacob Wohl and Jack Workman.
This is like a new world’s record. Forget the con man selling real estate in Florida, that’s kid stuff. This is real estate in Florida, that, I swear, I’m currently keeping on a private island owned by Bernie Madoff just off the coast of Antarctica. This is I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you that’s in an air-conditioned, dehumidified hangar in Dubai.
Deeper into melt-down territory goes Trumpworld.
The repair shop owner couldn’t identify Hunter Biden, but produced an invoice addressed to Hunter Biden to prove his story was true.
I’m sure it was on the sticker
Ah yes, the invoice that wasn’t paid so that proves it!
We’ll see a bunch of October duds that make no difference whatsoever. I’m guessing the November surprise will be a 12 point victory for Biden followed by Trump refusing to concede but, instead, quietly defecting to a country that has no extradition agreement with the U.S. before his term ends on January 20.
As I said, look at the main Faux News website instead. They’re running with it like they just got caught masturbating outside someone’s window.
Ha…which reminds me of a Dave Atel observation; “there’s a fine line between masturbating while looking out a window and masturbating while looking in a window.” lol
This is at least interesting insofar as russkie plant capabilities. Clicked through to the NYP article, looks like they did try to put together at least a plausible package.
I’m sure all the metadata and the like won’t add up, but this does look like someone put a fair bit of time and effort into making this.
Have no fear! RoJo’s committee is right on top of this startling new development and they’ll get to the bottom of Biden’s corruption if anyone will!!!1!!1!one!!!
Some October surprise. Just Burisma? Where is the child sex trafficking? Where is the international pedophile ring?
This is boring Rudy - I’m really disappointed.
The person who originally came up with the old comment “Politics is a dirty business,” well, shit, they didn’t know the half of it!!
Rudy needs to lawyer up because soon to be Attorney General Preet is goin make him do some 'splanining!
That’s what I was wondering. If they “got his laptop”, why not just load it up with some clearly illegal shit and take the debate to a whole different level?
And the Pizza joint was located in Benghazi!
the New York Post … a paper that regularly prints totally fabricated stories. why ??
the New York Post since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation
a rag … a weapon of journalistic assault … operated by a bunch of scum
Q must be pulling his hair out.
And they’re trying to have it from both ends, with about 1/3 of the articles being about how unfair and how violative of free speech and how biased everything is and grievance grievance grievance everyone’s out to get us so we have to attack attack attack and democracy can no longer be allowed if most people just don’t agree with us or won’t let us tell them what to think…
Give them credit: “Bezos exposes Pecker” was a headline for the ages.
I am. Not even amateur hour. Smearing people is so easy these days with everything electronic that it makes no sense that someone wouldn’t get at least some dark-web drug receipts or something to throw in the mix.