Before Trump administration officials landed this week in Los Angeles on a visit ostensibly aimed at understanding the city’s homelessness crisis, Fox News had been pounding a steady drum beat of fear-mongering about the issue.
Matthew 25: 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
But according to the Washington Post, Trump officials have already toured a federal facility in California — formerly used by the Federal Aviation Administration — as a potential site for housing homeless people.
Remember when the right wing wackosphere was all lathered up about Obama’s FEMA setting up concentration camps in old Wal Mart stores?
Will he get his pal Geraldo to advocate for reopening Willowbrook?
This is just another counterproductive policy. It’s far less expensive and easier to get HUD to expand Section 8 vouchers and the VA homeless programs which has reduced veterans homelessness over the past decade.
I have no idea what the solution to homelessness is…in SAN DIEGO, the police 'clear’an area and then the city goes in and hoses it down…there are shelters in SD, it is difficult to get the people to stay in the shelters…no drugs or liquor is permitted in the shelters…and so many of them are addicts…in some places, you literally have to step over people, who are lying on the sidewalks…MIAMI., TAMPA& WEST PALM beach have the same issues,i think its the warm weather…
Besides all of the legal issues involved here ,there is no point in rounding-up the homeless and incarcerating them in a warehouse unless services for medical needs, mental health, substance abuse, job skills, and permanent housing are included. This is a complicated issue with which many cities are facing.
I’m sure we’re all going to break out our MAGA hats to welcome Great Leader.
While Trump is at it, he can take notes about running a government that actually gets things done (hint: getting R’s out of office is the first prerequisite for successful government.)
What do you mean, “remember when”?
I know a guy that says that today. FEMA is rounding up all christians and forcing them into abandoned WalMarts and underground camps.
I don’t know if there is a method to this Fox news madness or not. But story lines sort of take off on Fox with a life of their own. I remember some years back there was a supposed epidemic of black teens sucker punching old white guys. I guess that story lost its power and something else replaced it.