When Stephen Bannon was released from a Manhattan federal courthouse Thursday, he was met with an unexpected sight: a group of protestors waving flags of the New Federal State of China, an effort backed by Bannon and Guo Wengui, the Chinese billionaire on whose yacht Bannon was detained.
The “New Federal State of China” is a rather poor choice on their part! Me, I am going to start a “New Municipal Government of Zurich” and levy taxes on a bunch of Swiss banks. When they will settle with me out of court, I’ll buy a yacht.
In this case, it’s a government-in-exile that Bannon is promoting with the Chinese billionaire.
Hey, I have a better idea. How about Bannon take Trump with him to China, and become an American government in exile? Or Russia. I don’t particularly care where, as long as it’s not here.
Don’t be fooled by how that boat Kolfage bought looks.
It looks older with the turquoise color. It’s a brand new custom made Jupiter 41. Check out the specs:
This dude is like the character ‘White Rose’ from Mr. Robot, a wealthy, elite Chinese power broker who is with Chinese military intelligence and runs his own ops. For all of Bannon’s racist bullshit, he’s literally working for Chinese intel. He’s a traitor. Lock his ass up.
I have to say that when he was supposedly visited by Chinese authorities in his NY high-rise and he’s still around, I got a wee bit suspicious. Maybe the Chinese aren’t into assassination?