Continue Discussion 134 replies
Dec '22

JoeH Prime Member

Yeah! Pennsylvania is REPRESENTIN’! PA in da house!

Dec '22

jpc Prime Member

Show no mercy to anyone who attempted to overthrow an honest election. Even less mercy to those who took an oath to serve and protect the US Constitution and behind the scenes attempted to reverse the election. This is why the Republican Party is dead and needs to be replaced. And just where are the “Moderate Republicans”? My answer - they no longer exist.

Just look at and read the texts. And all this Nation hears is silence from the center to the right. The sound is simply deafening.

2 replies
Dec '22

txlawyer Prime Member

Not sure that this shows us much of anything, other than further confirmation that DOJ is actively investigating the fake electors/state legislatures part of the attempted coup.

2 replies
Dec '22


DOJ needs to get these emails into the hands of the intrepid reporters at TPM-- stat!

1 reply
Dec '22

irasdad Prime Member

bUt mIlQuEtOaSt mErRiCk !!!1!!!one!!!

(Or something)

1 reply
Dec '22


Oh what a tangled web we weave……

1 reply
Dec '22

steviedee111 Prime Member

This all sounds like it’s time for the intervention of a Special Master. Oh Clarence…

1 reply
Dec '22

karlwlewis Prime Member

Well, the SOMETHING is that he never tells me anything about what he’s doing. He hasn’t called me once; not once. Are his fingers broken?

2 replies
Dec '22


Elections matter

2 replies
Dec '22


My advice to all of them is to start negotiating your plea deals NOW, before TFG is indicted. Testify against him, and MAYBE you’ll do only a year or so at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, grooming the golf course. Sure, you may lose your law license for a few years, but there will always be Wingnut Welfare once you’re out.

3 replies