Discussion: Wisconsin Authorities Probing Male Students' Nazi Salute Prom Photo

I wonder what will happen when they apply to college? Of course, I can think of some that would probably welcome them with open arms, excusing the behavior as a “youthful indiscretion.”


I would assume to investigate the claims of bullying that have surfaced since this photo, particularly from the one young gentleman in the back row on the left who refused to participate in the salute.

My own personal belief is, its a mistake to assume that a group of high schoolers participating in a nazi salute like that are only engaging in just that one “reprehensible, but legal” act. There is a high probability that other actions…“reprehensible, AND illegal”…are being conducted by some of them.

That’s the problem with flying reprehensible symbols…you draw attention to yourself.


“I apologize to anyone I may have offended by sending members of their families to the gas chambers. My bad!”


Ha, posted before reading your comment. I’d like to throttle those parents. May widespread scorn and derision rain down on them.


The Master(bating) Race!


Looks more like they are saying “Auf Wiedersehen!” to their futures.
They never seem to remember the existence of the Internet, do they? Must be a flaw in the RW genes.


This article has some quotes from the young man top right that refused:


Totally agree with you Erik. I see no reason why this should have any police action.

Well, we did post within seconds of each other!

I’m not a fan of doxxing but sometimes openly identifying and shaming is the only recourse. I know we had Nazis and Klansmen in this country long before Palin, let alone Mango Mussolini, but they used to be too embarrassed to express such things outside of the confines of their house or close circle of KKKomrades.

This is one segment of the population that I would encourage to go back into the closet.


If it’s not reflective of the community, then why are all these students doing it?


Exactly the case. Nowadays, it is SO important to make sure people (young or old) understand that certain images may very well stay with them throughout their lives. They can and do affect their futures in ways that they can’t see right now but will pop up again. At the worst possible times…


And it wasn’t a professional photographer, it was the father of one of the kids,

If that’s true, and I believe it is, then he deserves to be crucified by every parent in that photo. He’s pretty much condemned these kids to have this hung around their necks for a very long time.


The kid in the blue suit is the tell for me. That gesture and facial expression is textbook “kid weighing the bullying for not participating with the self-awareness that a Nazi salute is a really, really bad idea,”

Jordan Blue is a hero for his resistance in this photo and coming forward afterward. That kid in the blue suit is wishing he had done the same in hindsight, i’ll bet.


What does the sign in the middle say? AllI can read is “Notice” and “only.”

But yeah, the “wave to your family” excuse is patent BS. As someone noted above, the guy in the front in the middle is doing that same white power sign that the Kavenaugh female did during his hearing. It’s also been reported that when the photo was originally posted, one of the guys wrote that “we even got the black kid to throw up [the salute].” So they knew exactly what they were doing and clearly thought it was hilarious.


Or mimicking Laura Ingraham

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I read yesterday that the photographer’s wife was a school teacher. Ugh.


Preemptive failure of their college admissions process…


O damn. I’m sorry to hear that.

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Please someone enlighten me here, I never did the prom thing.

  • why are all these guys in their prom attire getting a group photo while not at prom?
  • where are the girls’ photo
  • this was taken almost a year ago, why is it surfacing now
  • and after all most a year between photo and discovery why didn’t anyone talk about this
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They should be required to watch film of what the Allies found in the German concentration camps and to take and pass a civics class before receiving their high school diplomas.


Yes they very well should.

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