Discussion: White House: Trump Is Lashing Out At Mueller Because He's Frustrated

"If you can’t take the heat . . . " Yea, it is clearly time for Trump to take President Truman’s advice and "get out of the kitchen.’ In other words: Mr. Trump, Get the hell out of our White House!"

And please, take Ms. Hamhochs with you.


Yeah, he thought it would be just like the way everybody treated Obama, so much respect, Bigly!

How could he have possibly anticipated all this? совершенно неожиданно!

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Everyone from AR knows that “had went” is the past perfect continuous subjunctive tense of “to go.”


They don’t mean terrorists, though. They mean “Mooslums.”


But if your friends did, then your data was also harvested. That was one of the things that came out in – I think it was – Wylie’s interview. They basically downloaded all of facebook because each survey taker exposed all of his/her friends as well.


Put down whatever you are doing and watch the Channel Four exposé on Cambridge Analytica, Part Two.

It is utterly explosive and will make your blood boil.

Alexander Nix was suspended by the Cambridge Analytica Board just as this broadcast aired.

Nix has admitted to coordinating activities between the Trump campaign and other outside GOP groups. That type of coordination is illegal under US law.

Nix has admitted to being actively involved. He and every other foreign national who provided things of value to the Trump campaign violated the Federal election campaign act.

Nix has also admitted to destroying evidence using a Proton Mail program to cause emails to self-destruct. In the context of the secret interview, he seems to clearly indicate that his use of this program was due to scrutiny of their activities, which I take to mean the investigations in the US and UK about election interference.

The Trump campaign is also exposed for conspiracy to violate federal election laws. Parscale, Kushner, Manafort, Gates, Junior, Flynn and Trump Sr were all in on it. Bannon was too, though I can’t be certain of his criminal liability exposure. I suspect Pence also knew about at least the illegal election coordination activities.

Cambridge Analytica’s database was created by Alexsandr Kogan, an almost certain Russian asset. Cambridge Analytica’s principals also knew Nigel Farage, Julian Assange and were active Brexiteers. There’s your conspiracy.

We have our smoking gun(s) IMHO. It’s time for the prosecutors to act:


hes “frustrated” b/c he cant fire the memos that comey and mccabe took after every interaction with him…

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ETA: You are always thorough, @khyber900.



No, No, No! TPM, please get license from Jim Carrey to use the painting. Like all good art, he has exquisitely captured the essence of his subject.


So every day Trump is working (flailing about) hard (helplessly sitting on the pot), trying to do good (evil, bad) things for this country (trying to rake in more laundered money for himself). Well said, Sarah.

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If you had been attacked mercilessly and continuously day in, day out, every single second while you’re trying to work hard to do good things for this country,” she continued, “and literally every day you wake up to an onslaught of people saying that you’re there because of reasons that are completely false, that’s frustrating and certainly I think fair for him to be frustrated.”

Thanks for reminding us of the 8 years that your father, Fox news and the dotart railed on and continue to denouce every move obama made…so really…just…STFU…


It’s OK art, but I’d hardly ascibe it any ecclesiastical qualities.


You know, this is one time that I have to agree with sanders; trump should be frustrated. Nixon was frustrated with the Watergate investigation; Clinton was frustrated with the Whitewater investigations. Both of these investigations took years, so the person occupying the Oval Office should just prepare to be frustrated for a couple more years. If he lasts that long, but I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that the cowardly congressional critters will begin impeachment proceedings unless and until Mueller comes forward with charges that they can’t ignore. (Although, even if Mueller comes forward with solid charges, I wouldn’t put it past the cowardly congressional critters to ignore them anyway.)

The person occupying the Oval Office can be frustrated; the American people can be frustrated. It doesn’t change the facts.

First of all, there is evidence of collusion; hence the indictments and guilty pleas of key players in trump’s campaign.

Secondly, I think one of the things that the media is missing is how the person occupying the oval office, and all his minions keep trying to limit the investigation to “collusion” only. That’s the thing they keep denying–there is no “collusion”, but according to all of the reports coming out about the investigation, Mueller is finding evidence of many more crimes than “collusion”.

Notice they have not denied any of the financial irregularities that Mueller seems to be finding; they have not denied that trump is violating the emoluments clause; they have not denied anything other than collusion.

I think this indicates a couple of things. One is that the “cause” that the person occupying the Oval Office is going to use may be that Mueller has gone beyond the scope of his investigation.

Or, secondly, TPOTOO also may fire Mueller because of the so-called “deep state” in the FBI, and then the cowardly congressional critters will begin an investigation into the FBI.

It also indicates that TPOTOO doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on with regard to all the other crimes he has committed, so he is trying to limit it to collusion. That will be his excuse when he is tried for his crimes (hopefully); that “there is no collusion.”

Just because “there is no collusion” in the TPOTOO’s mind, doesn’t mean that he can’t be brought down by other charges. At least one can hope!


News tip: That’s a given.


This behavior is so childish…infantile, really. The President of the United States “lashing out” because he’s “frustrated” that the law is investigating him! Infantile and crazy.

Imagine the leader of any other country lashing out on twitter because s/he was “frustrated”. Imagine Ms. Merkle, or the PM of Australia, the President of Mexico- calling names and screeching about their innocence before the whole world. He or she would be removed from office ASAP, like, the same day.

I felt deep shame of our government and country when I heard about the torture the Bush/Cheney gang engaged in. Now TRUssiaMP wants to put one of the torturers in charge of the CIA.

It’s beyond shameful; I can’t find words. Guess I need a bigger thesaurus.


Did Mueller’s team help with these news investigations?

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That’s not a fair comparison.

Obama had the benefit of dignity.


and class and wit and self-understanding.


and the Clintons, 25 years of merciless attacks, false scandals, accusations of horrific crimes and corruption.

Maybe TRUssiaMP should ask them for advice.

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