Discussion: 'What Is The Purpose': Trump Tweet Further Imperils House GOP Immigration Push

I agree, but I think whoever wrote that Tweet knows the house GOP will embarrass themselves completely before Democratic votes even become an issue.


51 + 9 = 60.

60 is how many votes are needed to overturn a filibuster.


There is no such thing as a moderate Republican. All Republicans are extremist nihilists. Please stop describing any of these far right fanatics as moderate.


Trump is clearly flailing, but with so many irons in the fire which one is likely to burn him the worst? On the business news side, the saga of Chinese telecom giant ZTE and Trump continues, with plot twists daily. Three days ago the Senate added language to the Defense Act undoing Trump’s deal with ZTE. Kevin McCarthy had made sure the House did Trump’s bidding and let Trump lift the ban. Now the company is on the rocks and somebody’s going to jail, but are any American?


If McCain is disabled, it’s 50 + 10 (!) = 60.

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[quote=“khyber900, post:3, topic:73835”]
Trump doesn’t want an immigration bill. He wants the option to use the powers of the executive branch to inflict pain for political benefit.
[/quote]Maybe he can issue an executive order to waterboard the kids who have been taken from their parents. To find out MS-13 plans for criminality, or what schemes for illegal border crossings are being discussed in Guatemala, or how to make a really good taco salad. Or, just because he would get some sadistic satisfaction from it.

Trump is truly one of the most despicable humans to ever reach celebrity status, and it is sad, embarrassing and frustrating that he became and continues to be president - because the entire country and world are, and will for a long time be, much worse for it.


Trump relishes his new, more active role on immigration, and won’t give it up easily:


Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we now reaping we have sown, or is that still down the road?

The Trump Administration Credo:

Our Business
Is Business
MY Business

I don’t think the filibuster has been used in this entire session of Congress. Not sure I understand the Pres’s concern. His party can pass it without the Dems. They should get on it and make it so and start standing up for their beliefs.

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You know what I’ve noticed recently? Nobody’s been doing the popcorn thing around the TPM discussions lately - even those where Republicans are battling each other.

I guess we’ve lost our appetite.

Or realized it’s not a spectator event anymore, and we’re preparing to join and lead the fight for resistance and change.


That sounds more like Miller than it does Trump, but I wouldn’t be surprised by either.

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Of course, the purpose, you orange bird’s nest headed, ignorant, Nazi motherfucker, is to actually engage in real negotiations with the Democrats and reach a genuine compromise and not expect people who genuinely disagree with you to simply roll over and capitulate. You know, you give them something they want in exchange for something you want. Or, in other words, the kind of deal-making you have never engaged in in your life, Mr. World’s Greatest Negotiator. (TBH, the Republican Party, of which the Goniff-in-Chief is a particularly virulent symptom rather than the disease, has eschewed this type of negotiation for at least a generation.)


What is the purpose of the House doing good immigration bills when you need 9 votes by Democrats in the Senate

It’s good to know that somewhere in the White House, at least there’s an intern who understands what they’re doing is so partisan they can’t get a bill through the Senate without a filibuster.


Friday’s coming, @rickjones.

It can’t be fireworks every day.

I think this latest situation has taken the joy of watching the dumpster fire away. That joy will return. Let’s see what happens next with Mueller.


Who are the three other people Trump wants to revenge himself upon besides Obama and Hillary? My candidates are Sessions, Rosenstein, and Comey.


Which is why the Senate USED to compromise & find a bill acceptable to both sides but that’s a dirty word now…


Here’s another crazy tweet. A secret password? Jebus what a loon.


No, no, no, no, no! Let’s not and say they didn’t. Three cheers for a schizophrenic ineffective Republican majority, right up to January 2019!

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Also part of a general pattern of extending the powers of the executive branch by pushing at flexible boundaries. The tariff brouhaha, e.g., is legally based on ‘national security’, an issue scarcely in sight in practice, now being rendered inoperative as a limiting criterion.

It would be interesting to enumerate the powers that the President is now free to exercise. Start wars, order nuclear attacks, assassinate citizens in foreign locales, torture and imprison non-nationals deemed enemies of the state, arbitrarily abrogate and impose international arrangements, restrict entry of members of specific ethnic and religious groups, permanently remove masses of children from contact with their families: in sum, if rather weakly put, deprive ‘persons’ of life, liberty, and property without due process of law… Already an impressive list.

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