Discussion: WH Says 'Highly Inappropriate' For Reporter To Question 'Marine General'

What an utterly stupid thing to say. Questioning the generals is a cornerstone of democracy.


How about questioning Dolt 45’s over-reliance on Colonel Sanders?

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Might just be the stupidest thing she’s said thus far. And the list is long.

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Just like when Jim Acosta whined about Spice Boy turning off the cameras, but doing jack squat about it.


Sarah Huckabee-Sanders: All fat and lots of prattle.


He can resign now, but resigning won’t restore his honor.

If Kelly wants his honor restored, he has to make a clean breast of it – he needs to go to Mueller and tell him everything he knows and suspects about where Donnie Two-scoops has buried bodies.


Ugh, that pathetic asshole. He made sure to take a selfie, however, which I’m sure he thinks was the equivalent of that man facing down the tanks in Tiananmen Square. Useless pendejo.


My gut tells me he will use this as a reason to resign. He will make a contrite statement about how he overspoke, add in that he did not serve donnie well by it, and then top it all off with something along the lines of how he is a military guy and not suited for this position. Lots of kissing ass to get out and eventually he will accept a book deal for a release in a couple of years. Course, the book deal is something we can expect from most of donnie’s come-and-go minions.


The official word from the official POTUS spokesman is “do not question current or retire military authority.” I cannot imagine where that type of philosophy will lead in the modern era. I know where it lead during the 1930s in Europe. Creepy is what creep does.

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Just read her biography on Putin

  • outstanding. Scary, fatally ambitious killer with a Mafioso’s morals. She’s a great writer.

Marine General or not, if he’s as afraid of the truth as Kelly, then he’s just a pussy in my book.

And F-you, too, lying beeyotch!

This is why the Roman Republic didn’t allow their armies to cross the Rubicon.


Kelly is the man with the gravitas. He wears it on his sleeve. He is an object lesson in its dangers. For this man pontificates, amplified by his unsubtle four-star gravitas; he is very self-important; and he is a bully, a liar, and a coward. How can a four-star general be a coward? Easily. By pontificating about women being sacred, for example, and then, like a genuine asshole, insulting a decent woman as an “empty barrel” and brazenly lying on national television about her. And then he does not have the courage to acknowledge his assholery, let alone apologize for it. He is a most contemptible coward. He should not resign, but keep working for Trump: he merits the continued self-destruction that brings.

Sarah Sanders in her job is like some kind of vile Siri. Ask her a question – almost any question – and arrogant shit comes at you. Sarah “Shit Machine” Sanders. Oh, that’s insensitive! She is a human being! Just like some Goebbels minion.


That’s of course a possibility – and if Kelly is pissed at that, THAT is also quite Trumpkin others-blaming. It’s entirely his own fault. He talked about the dedication ceremony and her speech as something he attended and experienced first-hand and he described it quite vividly and eloquently. So if his claim that he was in attendance is true he did know from the start the story from his operatives, if it was from the operatives, was false and he knowingly told that falsehood.

Either that, or more charitably it may have been indeed a piece of shit made up by the operatives and Kelly just may not have known it was actually a piece of shit, but if that was the case that means his story of having been present at the ceremony in itself was a lie (but this is more easily verifiable and I don’t think this is likely).

Either way, he lied. And it was a totally unnecessary, stupid lie that you should have known would cause more trouble unless you are a moron. Nonetheless he knows what pleases his boss – you MUST attack that uppity black woman in front of the world – so he loyally and diligently executed the mission. I think he is as pissed (or more so) at the fact a video recording instantly surfaced and destroyed whatever credibility and reputation he thought he’d had.

I bet we will soon hear “Kelly’s friends speaking on the condition of anonymity” hopping in and defending him, insisting he didn’t mean to lie, he’s a honorable man, he was just given the wrong facts. Well good luck with that. It simply doesn’t compute.


A long-running right-wing trope is that the leftist media [manufactures outrage][1]. Not really seeing that here. The chaotic Trump shitshow is outrageous, posturing, etc. but it seems to be manufacturing deflection or diversion of attention. Not well, but that’s what the Trump do.

The authoritarian personality on full display.


Why on earth did that reporter not ask WHY it would be inappropriate to call out a four-star general who is lying in a press conference. Why, Sandy? Tell us why that would be inappropriate.

They appear not to think on their feet - And not much solidarity among the journalist, when SHS just allows one question per journe, they should follow up on the previous question.

Also, they have probably given up getting set some kind of truthful reply out of Sarah, she is just a little girl ‘telling stories’…


Will Huckabee ever regain her credibility and integrity?

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