Discussion: WATCH: Tapper Faces Off With Giuliani Over Trump Tax Returns

Exactly. Tapper didn’t seem to zero in on that.

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The reason? ___ Solved it!


At my last dental appointment, my dental hygienist and I laughed about famous people who have work done on their upper teeth while ignoring their lower. It’s gross.

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The only way trump could counter the NYT story on his taxes is to release the rest. The NYT has him in a box of his own making.


Claiming Trump is a business genius while losing $915m+ in one year!!-only Guiliani could make that claim with a straight face.

Let’s talk to the shareholders about how smart of a businessman Trump was. Stock price from $35.+ per share to pennies. They undoubtedly took loses on their taxes too. No wonder we have a deficit. Republicans think it is because of Obamacare, Soc. Sec. and Medicare.

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I was going thru the TV channels and I head Rudy say “the man’s a genius”. … I had to admit to Mrs darr that I threw the remote at the TV but in my anger I missed and it hit a cement wall… surprisingly when all taped up it still functions.

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Rudy and other surrogates forget that as the owner of a privately held company, Trump has no fiduciary powers to anyone as far as how the company is run or pays taxes.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Well I did some work on The Google and I found this:

List of People Donald J. Trump Serves While He ‘Operates’ the Tax Code:

  • Donald J. Trump

So, there you go.


How is it that you have never heard of the “Buffett Rule”? Warren Buffett is a long-time advocate of higher taxes on the wealthy, and he does, unlike Trump, pay federal income taxes. He does not use shell companies and loopholes to push business losses onto his personal return. He just happens to make much of his income as capital gains, which are taxed at a lower rate than regular income - a rule that he would like to change.


I also find what Trump’s accountant told the Times hilarious: That Trump the genius was less involved than his Daddy had been in preparing these brilliant returns, that his attention seemed to wander, and that Ivanka was the one who asked most of the questions.


@go2goal: And I see Bill Gates called out as well… The richest man in the world who retired to start a charity foundation with his wife that funds public improvement projects world wide in areas where most NGOs avoid as too dangerous? Oh, and he more or less single handedly funded the public education technology programs through out the state of Washington. Every computer I ever used in a public school growing up in Washington was donated by either Microsoft, or the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation.

Just because people have more money than you doesn’t make them corrupt…


What a discussing little animal Giuliani is.

You noticed that too, huh? I thought it was just me . . . and it is gross!

I’d be very surprised if the Clinton campaign does not use the “genius” label in a sarcastic line of attack ads, as in “What kind of business genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?” or “We need to keep that genius far away from the White House.”

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Just gotta say, Jake Tapper has been great lately. I don’t know how he treated Trump early, but he’s been good at calling out bullshit from supporters.

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“What is good for Trump, is good for America” (hattip to Charles “Engine” Wilson, IIRC )

Yes, Rudy says he had a responsibility to his investors, but these were his PERSONAL income taxes. What do investors have to do with it?

As has been pointed out elsewhere, we’re just seeing the tip of a very big iceberg.

i was thinking more of grima wormtongue.

well, yeah. let us idiots bask in his trumpness’ glory…or not.

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