Discussion: Video Shows Wilson Didn't Brag About Funding FBI Building, As Kelly Claimed

See my point above I don’t think he lied to protect his boss. I think he just stepped out from behind the curtain and revealed the extent to which he may now actually be the boss. He’s taking this personally. And notice that Glower is very explicitly doing his work now, not Trump’s.

It’s not clear to me that Trump realizes he isn’t actually the president anymore. But I’m thinking that may be what we’ve really learned here.


Calling out liars and getting the facts out there is essential, no matter who refuses to acknowledge them. It’s a life-long battle. At some point we have to believe the truth matters.

I would say that mockery is amusing but doesn’t advance the truth.

People who don’t want to think too deeply about anything because they prefer entertainment will not be convinced by mockery or the facts. They don’t really care about the truth anyway.


Here’s the bill, if anyone’s interested - https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/1092/text?q={“search”%3A[“H.R.+1092”]}

The food pyramid was one of the most egregious examples of corporate $$ forming the basis of deceiving the populace at the cost of the health of the US citizenry…

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Apparently Kelly stands by his comments.

He may be a non-senile adult in the room, but that’s an awfully low bar for singing someone’s praise.

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I am not sure he was there.


Every military branch has it’s cowards, but not all in the Military are cowards. There are cowards in every walk in life. We just need to call them out, not everyone else.


Very well put

That is a really good description, both of Kelly and of the hat thing. It’s the old catch 22, if black people don’t make an effort to stand out, they’re invisible, if they do, it just gets them stereotyped into another kind of invisibility.

Me personally,I’ve learned that you need to listen very carefully to successful people who affect eccentric dress. It usually means they’ve either got the extra stuff needed to succeed despite genuine eccentricity or else its a calculated attempt to get you to underestimate them. At least, that’s the assumption I’ve learned to start with.

Not unlike my assumption when someone tries to come off all “now I’m just an old country lawyer” on me. My initial response is to put my hand on my wallet, keep my mouth shut, sign nothing, and watch and listen closely. Sometimes, they’re just buffoons, but never assume it.

In Militaryworld, of course, deviation from expected norms of dress make you automatically unworthy of serious consideration.


Surviving 9 months in this administration is a major fete. Too bad Kelly won’t get another medal or star for being one of the few survivors still left on the island when tRump’s entire presidency blows up in spectacular fashion. He’ll be thoroughly discredited along with whoever is still remaining. For now, he’s only partially discredited, simply because some in the media are still tending to give him the benefit of the doubt due to his long service in the military.

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Huh. Now there’s a thing I hadn’t thought about.

Trump never apologizes and I suspect if Kelly did apologize he would be gone that evening.


Did you follow the press conference with Sarah ? I sort of doubt his credit now…

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I, for one, hope this dispels all the nonsense talk about Kelly providing the “adult supervision” and being a “man of honor.” Looks like he’s a man in the mold of his boss: he makes hateful and inflammatory assertions based on vague recollections (or outright fabrications), those assertions are contradicted by incontrovertible facts, he stands by his now-debunked bullshit. He’s no better than the sociopath he works for. Why should the press take for granted that anything the man says has any foundation in the truth with this glaring example of shameful character and a willingness to lie boldly?


General Kelly said this at the press conference yesterday:

I’ll end with this: In October — April, rather, of 2015, I was still on active duty, and I went to the dedication of the new FBI field office in Miami. And it was dedicated to two men who were killed in a firefight in Miami against drug traffickers in 1986 — a guy by the name of Grogan and Duke.

Nevermind that he got one of the names of the two men wrong. Its Dove, not Duke.

The man lies…and he did it in public to defend tRump, when it wasn’t warranted, with this bullshit anecdote in order to demean Representative Wilson.


Good points. And I absolutely agree.
I will say I’m a little glad he showed his true nature. Many seem to be under the illusion that he is there to keep trump under control and is the mature, reasonable, disciplined one.
Not sure he showed that yesterday and today he has chipped away at the fascade. It will be interesting to see what he does next now that he was busted.

I wonder what Rep. Wilson is doing now?


Anyone who suck on trumpanzee’s smegma, gets a mouthful of maggots :tongue: :scream_cat:

I have made a distinction between him being an adult and him hanging on in disgust in case he needs to grab the football out of Trump’s tiny hands.

I am reevaluating even the last. I am wondering how much of the scary stuff he is behind rather than ameliorating. Because yeah, wondering if he isn’t now running the country.


No. I jumped into the shower. Been ripping out stuff in the garden and have to go back and finish too over the next couple of days. Its 74 here today, and beautifully sunny. We haven’t even reached peak color change which generally would have happened normally about a week ago. The trees are just now changing colors. Can’t let a good day go to waste. Watching that spawn of Huckafuck would certainly have qualified as wasting my time today.

Although, I do worry about going more than a few days without any news, politically speaking, since the way things are going, I’ll have missed 5 or 6 new crises each day that could seemingly impact my life if I don’t pay attention. Pitiful.


Just in case these fuckers and the media pretend signups aren’t happening or aren’t important to mention. Pass it along, daily.



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