Discussion: Video Shows Wilson Didn't Brag About Funding FBI Building, As Kelly Claimed

In a perfect world, that would happen - but this entire administration lies about everything, 24/7. Lying’s been standard operating procedure for the GOP at least since the days of Lee Atwater, if not before.


He’s the only one I saw who really nailed how disgusting Kelly truly was with that speech.


Trump: It doesnt matter what she said. What matters is what Kelly thought she said. That is the real reality. It cant be captured in videos.


And in that, do you really want to ask about her schedule?


Where is her anti-cyber-bullying campaign? I’m not seeing it anywhere in the real world.


The word proof doesn’t need quotation marks around it. The proof is the truth.


I disagree with this completely. There’s no way he knowingly said this as a lie since it’s verifiable and he’s not a dummy like Trump who lies without thinking about the consequences of being caught. If he wanted to lie, he’d have invented a private discussion he had with her which nobody could prove didn’t happen. He wouldn’t have referenced a speech that was on camera and covered in the press at the time and which couldn’t possibly be true. That’s the sort of thing Trump would do, but not anyone with a functioning brain. There’s no chance he said this without believing it was true at the time.

Thus said, he really should have checked his facts before saying anything, which makes it only slightly less egregious than a lie. You just don’t go on attack like this unless you have your facts straight. All he did was undermine himself and everything he said, which is why the smart move would be to apologize immediately. But since he works for Trump, that might not be an option. Apologies are for the weak in Trumpland.


I wonder how many hours she spends just avoiding the horny Moron.

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Of course, there is nothing over at Fox News about the video disproving Kelly’s remarks.


Can hardly wait for all of Wilson’s fellow Democrats to jump to her defense against what is clearly a partisan smear.


Her husband is hard at work on her cyber-bullying campaign.

Oh…I missed that ‘anti’ there. Sorry.



Shame on Gen. Kelly and anyone jumping into Trump’s mud wallow, and seeking to dirty others with their filth.



Kelly disgraced himself, irreparably soiled his reputation, and betrayed his oath.

Once upon a time, that would earn you a bottle of whiskey, a sidearm, and a few minutes of privacy.

These days, it earns you a Fox contract.


So maybe not a liar, just a prodigious bullshitter.


You had me until there.


Kelly obviously mischaracterized Rep. Wilson regarding the FBI building just so he could attack the messenger and go after her in the worst way possible in his lame attempt to defend tRump. I believe he intentionally lied. Will we hear an apology from Kelly or will he adopt the Trumpian excuse that he heard about it somewhere or “some people said”? Watch. Now he’ll say he just plans to remain in the background; something he said he planned to do from the beginning, before he became the newest validator of supporting Dumpster’s LIES.

I thought being a General, especially one of high standing, meant you stood on your integrity on all matters. He just proved that to be a total fiction.


Yes, but from a somewhat different perspective. Kelly’s level of indignation at what we now know to be a complete fabrication, and not just one he fell for but one he himself fabricated out of whole cloth, shows that his character is brittle. Because he will not bend, he will break. At some point, as he travels further down this road of self degradation and ever greater indignation, he will shatter completely. To the extent he’s a safety net for the nation, he’s a safety net made of glass.


I’m so tired of this deferential tone when the media describes Kelly. “Honorable”, “Adult” and the like. Enough with honoring a daddy-figure. He’s thrown in with Trump, barely restraining him and now doubling-down like any GOP Hoplite.
Kelly has Trump-fleas like everyone else who works for Orange Foolius, and has to be challenged at every turn.

He’s a proven liar, and an intolerant ass…just like the Master-Distractor at the high end of the leash.


Surprise, surprise. Another Trump* official proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be an unashamed liar.

Please tell me again the fairy tale of this man’s ‘honor’.


She wears the hats to honor her late grandmother.

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