Discussion: Trump To Appoint Anti-Abortion Leader Charmaine Yoest To Post At HHS

Surely she turns herself in for manslaughter whenever she has her period.

Undoubtedly she is similarly steadfast in her duty to turn in any male relations of hers of whom she has direct knowledge of any wet dreams or any other ‘activity resulting in wasted ejaculatory fluid.’

(And remember kids, miscarriages are manslaughter!)


Yoest and AUL are responsible for creating most of the [INSERT STATE NAME HERE] “model” legislation that gets faxed out from DC to state legislators and becomes [STATE NAME]'s abortion ban that gets tied up or struck down by the courts. She’s a malevolent zealot.


Well, you can sure say that #45 good at something. He is finding new and interesting ways to be all evil all the time.

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Yeah, but don’t you know, both parties are just the same. You can’t tell them apart. You don’t really need to waste time voting, now do you?
(warning, sarcasm alert.)


Typical Trump appointment, someone completely opposed to the purpose of the agency to head. Next you know he will name Cheech Marin to the DEA, and Xaviera Hollander to fight prostitution.


Leave it to Trump is find someone as dumb as Palin.


“Abort Trump” would fit nicely on a bumper or a tee shirt.

He’ll appoint a corpse who died of lung cancer.

In case you don’t remember Cheech

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The only woman’s issue trump is sensitive to is the monthly one so he knows when he should exile them until it passes.


How can you tell Trump’s choice of an anti-choice zealot like this woman is more about paternalistically controlling women’s bodies and limiting their choices, than it is about stopping abortion?

—> Because they focus their efforts on forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term…

And they actively de-fund programs (P.P & ACA) designed to offer contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.


Another F$#@ You appointment from a man who doesn’t give a s$)^ about anything but himself and his poll numbers. Right up there–or down there–with the cynical appointments of Sessions, Perry, and (let’s not forget) Clarence Thomas. This should bring thousands of new women voters into the GOP. I pray that the reaction begins in the elections of 2018. This appointment should be hung around the neck of EVERY Republican running for office: no abortion under any circumstance, no contraception.


Yes, but. For these folks (and I know because they’re family), adoption literally means indoctrination. They’re interested in rearing an army for their cause.

More topical questions might be, How many refugee children have you taken in? and How many starving Somalian children have you rescued? I’m sure you can think of more.


I don’t see this helping his poll numbers…

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You know, the trump administration is like a Minions movie with all the evil and incompetence, but without any of the lightheartedness and good humor.


Great. A fanatical hater, religious extremist. I know that Hillary won the popular vote, but it should not have even been close. Young women in this country had better wake the hell up and VOTE: not stay home because their ideal candidate wasn’t nominated. At 58, I’ve fought for women’s rights for decades now. Time for the younger people to step up.


I get your point. However, I’ve never found any rabid pro-lifers who have considered adoption. It’s part of their “not my problem, I just like to preach” attitude.


And, right on time, The Handmaid’s Tale is on Hulu for watching.

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I met this woman one time in a personal setting before I knew who she was. My husband and I looked at each other like, “What the hell was that??” She is nuts. (I’m sure you’re shocked.)


Um, no and no

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