Discussion: Trump Likely Paid No Fed Taxes For Almost Twenty Years

What may make Trump hesitate to sue the NYT is that to sue based on illegal disclosure of his tax returns, he would presumably have to state that the returns are authentic. (The Times’ wording of Trump’s lawyer’s legal threat suggests that it would be based on illegally obtaining accurate documents, rather than suing for libel and claiming the Times’ reporting is false.)
At a panel at Harvard University last month, New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet said he would “seriously fight” to publish Trump’s tax returns if the newspaper were able to obtain them, even if lawyers advised against it. The reason, he explained, is Trump’s “whole campaign is built on his success as a businessman and his wealth.”
I would GLADLY contribute to a defense fund for Baquet and I would contribute repeatedly. Well done Mr. Baquet. Finally some actual journalism and guts. Congrats as well to to Farenthold and Ehrenreich for their actual reporting on the Trump snake oil and fraud machine. Kudos to all three.

This could be monumental.


Sen. Bernie Sanders, who made wealth inequality a top campaign issue, said that assuming Trump’s tax strategy was legal, “what it tells you is you have a corrupt tax system which says to ordinary people, you’re supposed to pay your taxes. But if you’re a billionaire, there are all kinds of loopholes that you can utilize that enable you … not to pay anything in taxes.”

Exactly, let’s celebrate The Taker Trump for not paying Federal Income Taxes but let’s berate the poor for the same. The Dumpster gets a pass because “he paid, sales, property, etc taxes” but again let’s berate the poor when they do the exact same thing…


October 2 or not without the taxes story, we would be talking about the Clinton comments today. She got lucky.


PBO is not perfect. But he learned early on the value of being unflappable. He very rarely stumbles from losing his cool, and not at all after his first year in office.

NOT losing your shit over big stuff is a big, learned adult skill. NOT losing your shit over tiny stuff should be a big, learned, kindergarten skill.


Exactly it is corporate for profits thus 10% at best taxes but losses are personal therefore long term write-offs…


From the article:

Don’t you think a man who has this kind of economic genius is a lot better for the United States than a woman, and the only thing she’s ever produced is a lot of work for the FBI checking out her emails,” Giuliani told ABC’s “This Week.”

“Don’t you think a man…is a lot better than a woman, and…”

No, I don’t think I’m taking Giuliani’s words out of context here. He could have used the words this man and this woman to clearly refer to the candidates in particular, or something along those lines, without making it about their genders, but that’s not what he did. It’s “a man” and “a woman.”

Then there’s the “and” clause following the words a woman: in addition to her being apparently the inferior sex, she also didn’t “produce” anything, ever, in her public life. He is a New Yorker saying this about the woman who was his Senator during 9/11 (not to mention Secretary of State).

Campaign hyperbole is one thing but this is pure naked misogyny.

(New York, I’m tired of y’all looking down your noses at Texans electing Texas politicians.) :confused:



My money’s on Malaria - she sees HO descending deeper and deeper into madness and it’s probable that she’s been on the receiving end of at least some of his anger. No doubt she’s attracted the attentions of other men and this is part of her exit plan.


I hope she leaves HO for Carlos Slim. A real billionaire and a Mexican, to boot.


Who, Ivanka? She could do better than hanging with daddy:)

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For Taxman Trump and his deplorables, the villain, as you know, will not be this fraud, this snake oil salesman, this taker who has been living the high life on the backs of “…the little people.” It will be the leaker and the Times for publishing it…oh, the self righteousness and sudden love of legalities will be great and so laden with hypocrisy as to be hysterically funny.
SO…Get ready for another round of black is white, wrong is right, up is down and down is up where Trump is God and the people of moral conscience and civic duty (the Times and the mailer) are “evil villainous lie-buuuuraaallls.’”

Poor lil’ tired Kellyanne’s pen is doing super pretzels ninety miles an hour as we speak.

#Trump’s message to “Real America.”




I agree with you.

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Hear, hear!


Well, it’s old news, and somehow proves what a great businessman Trump is. No, I don’t get that either.

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Here is where it gets really interesting, actually. Of course, that is supposition because Trump refuses to show his actual tax returns. But this is a pretty knowledgeable individual on taxes.

His supposition is that there is a very good chance that Trump probably dumped the debt associated with these losses into a dummy corp in order to avoid paying taxes on the debt forgiveness. Long story short, there should be roughly $900 million of Trump debt setting out there that someone is holding. Tack on the $650 million we know he owes Deutsches Bank and we are suddenly seeing Trump under enormous debt to…we don’t even know.

Just to reiterate…we have NEVER had a President with mountains of debt…and the associated conflicts of interest.


They’ll probably try to connect it to the IRS commissioner they’re still trying to impeach. It’s obviously political revenge = Benghazi.


Exactly – had to turn the sound off when Guilani was saying what a genius HO was. Puh-leeze, I’m just not that stupid.


As a Bernie supporter and Millennial I’m not seeing what is insulting about Hillary recognizing that many Millennials were royaly screwed by the Great Recession and are justifiably upset.


The Trump phenomenon was never about policy or strategies to “remedy” objective conditions.

And it was never about “logic”.

I guess whether Trump wins or goes down in flames will come down to how much of the country would respond to things like this new “bombshell”, using the logic of enlightened self-interest.


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