Discussion: Trump: Clinton's 'Off The Reservation' Remark Was 'Demeaning' To 'Indians'

My first thought was Trump really not understanding why so many Mexicans have a brown skin tone. Pretty unfortunate comment by Hillary and one that’s still embedded in the American lexicon.

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These statements saying “see I told you Sanders should not have criticized Hillary” make no sense to me. So what if Sanders has criticized Hillary, he has consistently said the same criticisms about Hillary throughout the entire election and none of his criticisms are anything vapid or lies. Before people respond that I’m a Sanders supporter… I’m neither, just want a strong candidate in the office.

Trying to say “no, no, no… don’t say anything bad about the ‘candidate to be’ or else The Bad Man will use it against her during the election” is based on what? Hope? Trump already has an over-flowing selection of negative talking points from the right for Hillary… or have you not spoken to any of your Republican friends who hold a truly dark level of animosity for her on a very large list of items?

This continued bashing and blame towards Sanders is unnecessarily creating divisions within Democrats.

Think of it this way… Trump smiles with joy when the Dem supporters bash each other like they have been on TPM lately.

Trump thinks he should be the only person to bankrupt casinos.

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Of course, Herr Drumpf’s previous remarks impugning the Native American ancestry of Elizabeth Warren was all hunky-dory.


That’s the tactic the Berniebots have been attempting to use to muffle crtiticism of him from the get go. In his world all criticism of him is unjust and disloyal but he and his have no obligation to play by the same rules. It’s a typical authoritarian stance.

As to honesty, Bernie Baby impugned Hillary for supporting a bill that he himself had voted for in such a way as to falsely accuse her of racism. He took one phrase she had used out of context: if we did that to him, we would be asking
him just who was he calling a sociopath back then? He has pretended that he fought for civil rights since college. This is a lie: between college and becoming mayor of Burlington he was living hand to mouth stealing his neighbors electricity and taking marginal jobs. Hillary , the other hand, continued to take jobs and positions where she could make a difference.

And take a look at that tangled web of explanations for how it was that he went to the Vatican. It turns out that his campaign is paying for that non-political trip.

The word, Donald, you’re looking for is “Native Americans”…

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And we all know The Donald enjoys excellent relations with “The Indians.”

Trump would know something about how to insult whole groups of people. I’ll give him that much.

What is it with the need for derogatory nicknames for people that don’t agree with your thoughts? Berniebots? Seriously, grow up and try a little less to follow the sarcastic discussion forum memes.

The things you are accusing Sanders supporters of doing with muffling criticism and saying criticism to be unjust and disloyal, I’ve seen Hillary supporters doing the same if not with more vehemence. Glass houses.

This vileness between the groups of supporters (on this site, it is more Hillary against Sanders) is utterly ridiculous and insane. There is no good that comes from this.

Tough. You maintained that none of his criticisms are anything vapid or lies. I demonstrated that one of his central claims was a lie and vapid to boot. So you ignore that and are now whining that I used an insulting names for unthinking Bernie Baby supporters. And that nothing good can come of this. If it decreases his support, that is a good thing.

Oh what silly, silly bullshit. No, I ignored the crap you put out because it was not worth responding to, zeroing on small things and speaking of them as if they were huge. You are responding with the same emotion and tone as Republicans respond to Hillary. Pick up a mirror.

“If it decreases his support, that is a good thing”… and here is the WTF part of your argument. I’m curious how this works, you act like an ass and piss on Sanders supporters and somehow… somehow it decreases his support and increases Hillary’s? Sorry… but the only 3 possibilities I see are, (1) Sanders supporters vote Dem regardless of you, (2) you managed to pissed Sanders supporters off enough that they don’t vote or (3) vote Repub. In none of these scenarios is your BS a “good thing”.

It may feel nice to vent your anger like a 5 year old child having a tantrum, but please don’t try to use logic to justify it.

Right. Bernie and his supporters always see racism as a small deal to falsely charge other people with. If you want to see racism on action, look at the guy who thought protecting gun dealers from lawsuits was more important than protecting the lives of black youths. And it is small potatoes to you that Bernie a baby lies like fish.

Good luck with your argument. As Bernie and his actions and lies have become more well known, former supporters of his on these boards have converted to Hillary. And it seems that much the same happens when voters settle down and take a good look at him. That’s why she’s winning despite the fact that he’s been spending more money. Put another way, even Bernie supporters are apt to change their minds when they get a good look at him.

The Democrats in Congress who are in the best position to assess both of them have chosen her. He’s been there for a quarter century so they’ve had a fair sample. Nonetheless he’s trying to gull his supporters that if they just rant at the superdelegates enough, they’ll lose their minds and hand him the Presidency.

Yes, the argument that antagonistic people like you are harming Hillary’s cause for the general election more than helping it. It is like talking to a teenager that keeps saying “but you don’t understannnnnd me”… good luck with your argument too. It is sooo useful and helpful.

That’s quite a double standard you have going there. If I say something disparaging but true about Bernie Baby on the Internets, I am a louse who is endangering our chances in the general. If Bernie’s Baby says something disparaging but untrue about our probable nominee on national television, hey, that’s trivial.

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