Discussion: Toddler Wounds Both Parents With Handgun From Mother's Purse

NRA and gun makers encourage all to buy and possess a firearm but oppose any mandate to utilize existing technology to block any child from firing it during any reasonably foreseeable mishandling of it.

Consumer Product Safety Commission regulates toy makers to block small parts on which children can choke “during reasonably foreseeable use or misuse of a toy,” but it lacks regulation of gun makers to do the same for guns.

Though a child’s handling of an inherently dangerous product, a gun, can cause tragic consequences to multiple victims, why do gun makers get a pass that toy makers don’t?

Guns just aren’t a casual thing. Have gun-order pizza-no, have gun loaded in child’s reach-no, have guns and ammo all together-no. Gun at all-loaded or not-training the next generation-please-please-no!

This should be a teachable event.

Not an accident. Kid realized that his best chance at a decent life was to get away from his parents. That’s a very astute toddler. Hopefully he’ll be going to decent home now.

“…Police believe the shooting to be accidental…”

Or demonic. Conservatives are demanding a thorough investigation.

There ya go. Feel safer now?

Monique refused to be prey…and she refused to have onions on the pizza too. The kid wanted onions. Now.

An armed society is STILL a polite society but only if you’re potty trained - Wayne LaPierre

All that’s missing is a trailer and a picture of Elvis painted on velvet.

NRA: “This wouldn’t have happened if a good toddler with a gun had been there to stop it!”

The motel room is one of the better options for a homeless family. Sad to say.

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