Discussion: The North Carolina Fight Could Be A Watershed Moment For Trans Rights

Thank you. And she. Regardless of the opinions of a few assholes in this thread.

But you agree that this is mainly a “notion” and is not presenting itself in fact? Have you any incidents where this is occurring?

I’m a straight middle-aged Midwesterner who either isn’t running into many transgender individuals or needs a new eye examination. I’m not seeing a problem reported I’m seeing rumors of problems imagined.

I asked my resident shrink and she says that most transgender people don’t wish to expose their biological bits among their identified gender.


You should take your own advice.

New experiences are good for you.


“We stand with you,” said Loretta Lynch…

“…or sit, as the case may be.”

I stand with you on that! LOL

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I’m all in with the DOJ and Loretta Lynch. They will prevail and rightly/righteously so.

The NC bill is kind of about bathrooms but is also about much more. They have already backed down some and the full capitulation is forthcoming along with the major forehead slaps and embarrassment. Gluttons for punishment, that is what McCrory and Co are.

This is in the vein of frivolous as proposed and if NC wanted to tackle the real issue at hand, they could’ve but they’re trying the old smoke and mirrors method. I guess dumb flys in NC but not in the Obama administration.


Again, you have it wrong. Anorexia is a mental illness and should be treated by the appropriate medical professionals, psychiatrists. Having the wrong genitalia is a physical deformity and should be treated by the appropriate medical professionals, surgeons. Because being born with the wrong genitalia is barbarically considered the fault of the person with the deformity, many also suffer from mental health issues due to extreme abuse from family members and their community. So I will say again, replace this particular physical deformity with any other (such as cleft palate) and you should be able to see how barbaric trans-phobia is. And I am using words very carefully and with due care to match the reality of the situation.


as trans, I can confirm this. We don’t want or like our offending particles. We’re very unlikely to want to show them off to anyone.

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And SPECIFICALLY why is one a mental illness and the other not? A 5-4 vote by some psychiatrists. In other words, this is all opinion. There is NO science. And if you tell me there is a difference in male and female brains, you will be wrong - there is no such thing.

It’s funny - trans stuff is making liberals say EXACTLY the opposite things of what they used to say. People used to say that boys and girls had different brains - boys like trucks, girls like dolls. During the 70s, everyone said “Oh, no, the brains are the same”. Now, liberals are back to saying the brains are different.

Same with privacy. During the gay acceptance time, liberals said “Why are you invading my privacy? What I do in the bedroom is my business not yours”. Now, we see a total 180 on that. Now, it’s what people do in public that no one has any opinion about. So, guys with original equipment who think they are girls are forcing the girls to allow the trans boy to change with them (that is, the boy who thinks he’s a girl, although he still has Mr. Johnson down there). So, now we have a requirement of PUBLIC behavior.

It is fun to watch the gyrations, I admit.

Where do you stand on the right to privacy of 15 YO girls who do not want a boy who thinks he is a girl changing with them? In some cases, the boy was offered the nurse’s office to change in. The boy->girl refused. Any thoughts about that?

And some suggest rejiggering the shower rooms to have private cubicles for all. That might have an actual money cost, right?

I’m getting more accepting on the bathrooms. Personally, I’d propose that ALL new construction have nothing but single stall rooms, which would cost a lot more of course. The issue of locker rooms in existing high schools is not as simple.

This issue is already producing backlash for LBGQ folks. It’s going to produce more backlash.

Call me paranoid but I believe that is one reason the bathroom provision was added, it takes the heat, they will eventually cave, and the other odious provisions stand.


I don’t hate you.

I just hate the ignorant drivel you post.

From Paul McHugh’s comments in the WSJ:

“The transgendered suffer a disorder of “assumption” like those in other disorders familiar to psychiatrists. With the transgendered, the disordered assumption is that the individual differs from what seems given in nature—namely one’s maleness or femaleness. Other kinds of disordered assumptions are held by those who suffer from anorexia and bulimia nervosa, where the assumption that departs from physical reality is the belief by the dangerously thin that they are overweight.”

Dr. McHugh used to work at Johns Hopkins. He has led to the termination of modification surgery at JHU, because it is medically unethical to remove functional organs.

There are many reasons why this rush to transgender stuff is going on. One is that some surgeons are making money convincing folks that they should do something surgically.

Another serious issue is the use of the hormones. Transgender folks are 10x as likely to attempt suicide. What part of that is due to using the wrong hormones, hormones which are inconsistent with the body’s own system?

I just watched the video. That was a powerful statement.

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NickDanger sez: “There is NO science. And if you tell me there is a difference in male and female brains, you will be wrong - there is no such thing.”

Transsexual Differences Caught on Brain Scan

NickDanger sez: “Transgender folks are 10x as likely to attempt suicide. What part of that is due to using the wrong hormones, hormones which are inconsistent with the body’s own system?”

If you bothered to consult any scientific research, you might avoid displaying your ignorance so shamelessly. There is no such thing as sex hormones “inconsistent with the body’s own system”. All human bodies, male, female, and intersex, produce both androgenic and estrogenic hormones.


Umm, do you really not understand the difference between a mental illness and a physical deformity? OK, doctors 101. A mental health doctor, known as a psychiatrist, can cure anorexia. And a doctor dealing with physical deformities, known as a surgeon, cannot cure anorexia. On the other hand a surgeon can fix a physical deformity such as having the wrong genitailia. While all the psychiatrists in the world cannot turn a man into a woman or vice versa.

In fact if they use their skills to try to convince a man that they are a woman or vice versa, it will make matters much worse and they would be abusing their position of trust and power.

This is really very simple. If you yourself woke up one morning with the wong genitailia you would not go to a psychiatrist and say “please use your skills to convince me I am now a different gender”. You would not do that because you know that would be wrong, you are who you are. No, you would go to a surgeon and say "I have a physical deformity between my legs in the shape of a vagina (or penis), please use your skills to give me my genitalia back.

Ah yes, you managed to find the ONE SINGLE medical doctor who is on record as opposing transition treatment and/or surgery. Congratulations. Maybe just stop and think for a moment that this miserable old fuck has an axe to grind against the trans community? He is in the VAST minority and his influence has caused untold amounts of suffering and damage for trans people. Maybe read the following and open your eyes:

ETA: I continue to shake my head as I read your incredibly ignorant and shockingly bigoted opinions on something that you clearly know absolutely NOTHING about.

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I do love intelligent, articulate, strong, honorable women when they so eloquently smack down TeaAnderthals in Politics so public-ly.

This “backlash” against LGBT people, as you claim, is only coming from regressive troglodytes such as yourself. In fact, the majority of people in this country actually support LGBT rights, and recent polling has indicated a majority of people are coming around to the issue of trans rights. Of course there will always be holdouts and dead-enders such as yourself, those who cannot abide by the fact that people are different and not everyone fits into a tidy binary box as you prefer. Narrow-minded people like yourself will always continue to maintain a tight grasp onto the rigid binary until the bitter end while society passes you by. Just like the gay rights issue.

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At one point or another, I have been Asst or Assoc Professor in a Dept of Psychiatry. I do research in this area. My degree says “PhD. Psychology”. I’m merely pointing out that I actually do know this area. I am also well aware of the brain studies from the Spanish group. I am looking into whether I can get their data for a re-analysis. Looks like cherry-picking to me.

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