Discussion: Ted Cruz: 'Liberal Fascism' Threatens 'Religious Freedom'

Oh the agony of being a victim, Right ted.

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Democrats are “liberal fascists” today. Obama “is an unmitigated socialist” over the weekend. Ted Cruz is a poor man in desperate search of inappropriate adjectives to attach to push-button nouns in the hope that psycholinguistics will make up for his total lack of a moral compass. Perhaps he was born without a right temporo-parietal junction.


Religious freedom is alive and well in the US as demonstrated by the fact that there are tens of thousands of churches and houses of worship throughout the country. A much bigger threat to these institutions are the zealots that pervert the teachings of these churches along with an increasingly large population that is rejecting the myth and legend foundations of their respective dogmas.Education and enlightenment shape peoples thinking and thoughts emanating from some of the “leaders” of these institutions are detrimental to their long term viability.



Inigo Montoya: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

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I love how in Republican minds “religious freedom” equals “only Christians can practice their religion.”

Still, I say we need MORE of these “religious freedom” bills. I want to see Christians expel gays from their stores, and then Muslims expel Jews, then Jews expel Christians, and Protestants expel Catholics, and Baptists expel everyone.

It’s like the Pie-In-The-Face routine: it’s only hoolarious when it happens to someone else.

And we should listen to the man who was stridently against the nomination of Loretta Lynch for U.S. Attorney General who chose to attend a fund raiser rather than be present and cast his vote on her confirmation?? Cruz is a bomb thrower and a fraud!


Well, we now know what will be the conservative rallying cry of the 2016 preseidential season: liberal fascsim.

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“Today’s Democratic Party has become so radicalized for legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states that there is no longer any room for religious liberty,”

Because freedom is parceled out on a zero sum basis, as we all know.

Logic dictates that the act of allowing gay people their human rights draws from a limited supply of liberty and that means it must be subtracted from fundamentalist Christians to make up the deficit.

Redistribution of freedoms is all part of the Liberal/Socialist agenda.


I love how in Republican minds “religious freedom” equals “only Christians can practice their religion.”

They even go one step further. Only fundamentalist Christians can practice their religion. They conveniently overlook the fact that the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church, the United Church of Christ, the Unitarians, the Quakers, the Evangelical Lutherans and many other Christian denominations allow same-sex couples to marry.


Liberal fascism? This debater doesn’t know what fascism is apparently. But he does know how to insult…


“Liberal Fascism” is an oxymoron, but that makes sense since Ted Cruz is a dominionist moron.

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So, then would the market price of liberty increase according to the law of supply and demand?


No, Never-To-Be-President-Except-During-An-Acid-Trip Ted Cruz, it is YOU and the rest of your Teabagger, Christianist fucknuts that are threatening “religious freedom”, for one very simple reason: once you allow religion in government, it is only a matter of time before you have government in religion.

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Gee, for a guy who is so Christian and so anti-gay, he sure did love sucking on the balls of those New York hotelier daddies. Maybe Cruz was auditioning for a role in a Falcon Video? (Sorry, fellow gay people - I know that image will scar you for decades, and there is no Clorox bleach strong enough to erase it! Try Oxiclean instead!)

Megalomania on parade!!


Citing the works of Jonah Goldberg = FAIL

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Can an individual preacher / minister / reverend in those denominations refuse to do a same-sex ceremony?

Hell, even The Pope is backpedaling; a little bit, maybe…

I think that’s what’s driving the volatility now.

We see a similar trend with the Liberals cornering the market on ideas leaving the Right with little or no access.

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