Discussion: Spicer: 'I Don't Think We've Seen The End' Of GOP Push On Health Care Policy

Does anyone seriously think that the TrumpChumps and the FreeDumb Caucus can put together a tax bill, especially, after they have failed so specularly on health care (even after seven years of “working” on repeal and control all levers of power in DC)) and, especially, as has been pointed out, their tax cut cum health care bill failed. These are the Keystone Kops guys. More failure is on the horizon as sure as the earth is round ( yes, I know most republicans think it’s flat, but that’s another issue)

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They didn’t have much of a mandate in the first place but with the rapidly metastasizing Russian conspiracy scandal, the Trump family’s laser focus on self dealing and the flabbergasting display of legislative incompetence and GOP division we were just treated to there’s really no way for them to push anything too monumental through Congress. This is an illegitimate presidency headed for historically unprecedented disapproval numbers in record time. Trump will keep signing his EOs but that still won’t amount to much more than petty harassment. America will live to fight another election.

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I think they think they’re going to be able to get it done, but I don’t think anyone who isn’t a Republican in DC actually believes it. And I think that failure will be perhaps the worst one of all politically. Of all the things anyone on either side of the aisle associates with the GOP, I would think tax cuts would be in the top three. Failing to do that would be an embarrassment that pales in comparison to repeal and replace.

Is Spicey telling us to expect “eternal war” within the GOP?

Break out the Strategic Popcorn Reserve!

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And here is how the GOP “push” will proceed…

Seven Ways the Trump Administration Could Make Obamacare ‘Explode’

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@dannydorko it sounds like the Trump Disorganization is looking forward into the headlight of an oncoming train …

Better hope it’s an Amtrak so He can ridicule the emgineer personally :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ll bet the next GOP health care bill uses the terms “poultice”, “salve”, “lineament”, “bilious humors”, “headache powders” and “block grants”.

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And a policy to drill, baby, drill for snake oil…

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“I don’t think we’ve seen the end of health care,” Spicer said at his daily briefing.

Well, no, but you guys did give it a good try! Thankfully, health care for those 24 million folks survived your party’s feeble and incompetent attempt at governing.

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Somehow, Spicee, I find myself way less than underwhelmed by that statement.

Y’all had 7 1/2 years and couldn’t do it. Not happening - the GOP knew that it would be like this once Obamacare was passed - that’s one of the reasons they fought it so hard.

Once people have something, they are not particularly sanguine about getting it taken away again.

The pain is what Donald is going to feel with all the cock blocks he’s probably going to experience as he tries to ram his junk into congress’s orifices.

Liar Translator: It’s over.

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I don’t think we seen the end of it either. Republican’s have been using it for 7 years to get people to vote for them and when they find something that works they stick with it. I think they’ll use it for at least 4 more years and if it works again then, they will use it for 4 more after that.

Certainly that is what they’ve done with abortion.

But isn’t schadenfreude less filling, and it tastes great.

We warned you what would happen, but you didn’t listen, so now take your baby and go.

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But which of those is GOP code for blood letting? I assume leeched are optional.

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Spicer: ‘I Don’t Think We’ve Seen The End’ Of GOP Push On Health Care Policy

Of course not ya bone head. You GOPers have broken parts of the ACA and now you hafta fix what ya broke.
And in the process learn how to govern.

The level of reeking incompetence is truly beyond description.

Ahem … block grants methinks.

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Don’t forget ‘leeches’.

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