Discussion: Schumer: Ryan Must Replace ‘Partisan’ Nunes As House Intel Chair

Speaker Ryan has full confidence that Chairman Nunes is conducting a thorough, fair, & credible cover-up.

Fixed it.


OT but the market is down for the 8th straight day.

So much winning!


Note that those aren’t issued by any congressional approval, but by a committee of Very Serious MSM correspondents. They care a little about the fact that Breitbart is a rightwing fake-news site, but mostly about it’s a new kid on the block who is taking clicks and interview slots that are rightfully theirs.

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From the Raw Story article you reference:

“There’s no question that there was a very serious effort made by Mr. Putin and his government, his organization, to interfere in major ways with our basic fundamental democratic processes,” Cheney said. “In some quarters, that could be considered an act of war.”

“I would not underestimate the weight that we as Americans assign to Russian attempts to interfere with our process,” Cheney said.

No mincing words, there, Mr. Cheney. I’m thinking Cheney has all the latest intel and knows some explosive stuff.


Ryan is meeting at the White House right now. I don’t see how this isn’t going to be a major topic of discussion.

Of course, since it will be a topic of discussion, that actually moves Ryan’s hand even more. He can’t go talk to the President about this, then do nothing, and not implicate himself as well in the obvious on-going attempts at cover up.

And right now, Ryan really doesn’t need to add anymore to the cloud hanging over himself.

EDIT @ncsteve Watch for that statement to change tonight or tomorrow morning…depending if they want it buried or want it to consume the news cycle tomorrow.


Howdy Doody Gowdy? Yesterday, he tried his best to act outraged that anyone would question the “right and obligation” for Nunes to report info to his “commander in chief”.

He repeated “commander in chief” so often that it sounded like he was trying to convince himself.


I don’t know about that, but Cheney IS sending a signal to the neo-cons that its game on with regards to Trump on this issue.


I know that former presidents have the right to get ongoing intelligence briefings but is that true of VPs, too? Or is W sending his info to Darth?

I would love to know what Presidents Obama and Clinton know…


Partisan or not, preferably someone not circumstantially implicated in the investigation would be a good start.


Not sure about VPs, but I was under the impression that former heads of departments like the CIA, FBI and others do receive regular intel updates … though I don’t know how much, etc.

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What about VPINO’s?

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MyPants? No, he’s as clueless as ever.


OT (again, sorry) Bill Nelson has announced that he will participate in the Gorsuch filibuster!

Game on, Mitch



Filibuster the fucking daylights out of Gorsuch!


Affecting the actual vote count by either tampering with the recording of votes in the act of being cast or miscounting them after they are cast is different from influencing the choice of a person before his or her mind is made up about whom to vote for. Clearly with merely 77,000 votes in the proper states being required to swing the election in the other direction, the Russians through the agency of Breitbart, Infowars, and Wikileaks could have determined the outcome. I am so tired of politicians playing with words on critical topics to create less than fully clear, more often than not false impressions, to influence us. Tell it all and tell it straight or prepare for other work. There is no time for anything but truth. We must have an independent investigation in both House and Senate. Ryan’s failure to replace Nunes makes him an accomplice in any cover-up. And a jailbird.


x millions!


The Bagg O’Douche must not understand that a president is Commander In Chief of the MILITARY. Nunes is a civilian.


This is Gowdy we’re talkin’ 'bout here. I don’t think he could find his way out of a 3-sided box.


Why is Senator Schumer the first to voice a call for Congressman Nunes to be removed? Where is the Democrat Leadership in the House? Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and Jim Clyburn should have been the ones calling for Devin to be dumped. Why can’t they lead themselves out of a paper sack? The bright spot is Adam Schiff. He is a rock star! Aside from that, they seem so inept.

Lock him up!

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