Discussion: Schlapp: Dems Raising Kavanaugh Allegations Now 'Incredibly Disturbing'

Well, we know Rape-anaugh got blackout drunk on a regular basis in high school. We should ask him when that stopped. If he says in high school, we should ask him what traumatic incident caused his charge of ways.

If he says it never happened, there is a writer that needs a subpoena. Someone is lying. Let’s get them under oath and see who perjured themself.

And no,not everyone got blackout drunk in high school as often as was described in that book by his running buddy.

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The Schlub is just another piece of trumpian garbage hauled out to slander decent people.

TGOET lands another one.



I think Mercedes has a point on this. I agree with her that Republicans find it incredibly disturbing that Dianne Feinstein revealed these allegations against a GOP SCOTUS nominee, thus forcing Republicans to publicly defend themselves against a problem that is endemic to their culture. Being held accountable for sexual assault is incredibly disturbing to Republicans.


This appears to be standard conservative PR for a damaged product. So we can conclude, the Brett Kavanaugh nomination is damaged.

The Democrats need to stay focused. The GOP has not addressed the evidence of a credible account to a brutal assault, an account difficult for a private person to bring before a public forum, which is why of course this has come a little later to a rushed nomination process.

So 1) rushed nomination 2) difficulty of anyone with such encounters coming forward, I think it is straightforward to counter the GOP spin.


This makes my heart weep. Every damned woman who visits TPM probably knows. Somewhere. Sadly. But we know. And thank you to every man on TPM who gets it and supports us.


First of all, Feinstein held the document out of respect for the woman’s privacy.

Secondly, when is the Merrick Garland vote scheduled?

  1. "and claimed the judge was “incredibly professional.” Another odd statement. Declaring him professional in his work is one thing, but what about his social interactions and participation as part of a community. Did this guy ever act like a lout and a potential rapist? “Oh no, he was extremely professional.” I am sure we all have known people who were top of their game professionally but totally despicable examples of humanity after hours.

  2. And the biggest thing the Republicans are upset about, Feinstein acted like a Republican by giving them a gotcha moment. .C’est la Guerre.


There is a book about his days at Yale where it is reported that somebody named “Bart O’Kavanaugh” was something of a blackout drunk at Federalist activities. The author was a good friend and classmate of Brett Kavanaugh. Just saying.


BINGO! The 65 women lined up to sing Kavanaugh’s virtues were cued up ahead of time because the Rethugs KNEW this was coming down the pike. If Dems hadn’t exposed this, they would have been guilty of moral negligence.

Matter of fact, I had heard that Yertle did not want Kavanaugh as he already knew the dirty laundry that would be exposed.


The whole ‘last minute’ and ‘delay tactics’ bullshit is exactly that. There is no deadline, no ‘last minute.’ The Senate can take as many minutes, as many months even, as it needs to fully investigate the various charges about Kavanaugh’s record, including Dr. Ford’s accusation.

Two years ago, the GOP had no problem keeping a Supreme Court seat open for a full year, and had telegraphed its willingness to go well beyond that if Clinton had won the election. There was no ‘last minute’ then, and there isn’t one now.

This is just an attempt to have a different argument than one over what Dr. Ford has said.


It’s more disturbing that we’ve allowed you to speak in public and share our oxygen for this long.
It’s time to reconsider that.

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So, the GOP’s plan is to smack down a Democrat for respecting the privacy of the victim. Sure, that’ll end well for them.


Ted Bundy was incredibly charming.


It’s why the black civil rights movement is more successful than women’s civil rights. You’ll never find a mass of black people holding up bibles and signing pledges stating that they are inferior and it’s god’s will they defer to whites. Class based bias and racism are more important than what’s actually going on structurally in society to keep you down.

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didn’t do Comey any harm

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The Andalusian Dog is my gauge for “incredibly disturbing.” So I’d say the timing of this – yep, pretty much the same.

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save it for the ’ brandi "s of the world

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