Discussion: Sanders Supporters Secure Permits For Protest Near July Dem Convention

Go post on your Reddit bulletin boards. Or the half of DailyKos that is comparing the Nevada Chair throwers to Gandhi’s Salt Tax March and today chastising the New York Times for opining about the intimidation. And check your fingernails, and your mouth.


“The whole Bernie movement is an ideology.” Yes and that’s absolutely all that it is and nothing says “useful” like an ideologue.


He is a Sanders supporter trolling.

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The Sanders supporters are not trying to change the Republican Party. They are trying to change the Democratic Party. They are absolutely protesting against the right people.

Inability to recognize the great differences among the members of a big tent party does not mean that half of the people in that party are wrong.

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At least they are admitting that they know Sanders lost.


If any of these techbros have the faintest idea that an actual revolution wouldn’t see them up against the wall or strung up on lightpoles, they haven’t read any history.

What am I saying? These people are impervious to their own environment. Full-on useful idiots.


“Sanders Supporters Secure Permits For Protest Near July Dem Convention.”

Because Chicago in '68 worked out so well.


It was never about an election for most.

Echoes of 1968? Nope. That year there was a draft and a war destroying the lives of innocent Americans.

This year we have a bunch of whiners who need a diaper change.


Jesu Cristo on a lake of Crisco!!!

I don’t care what the party did or didn’t do for Bernie in NV - **Bernie had already lost the primary vote in NV to Hillary.**strong text

What this all amounts to is the same situation where a burglar breaks into your house and gets bitten by your dog and turns around and sends the City to you to try to make you give up your dog for rabies testing.

Bernie’s people were trying to hijack the voters’ clearly stated desire to have Hillary Clinton as their nominee.


They’re not trying to change anything, they’re throwing a hissy fit because they didn’t get their way.


Good. There’s kooks protesting outside of every convention. Keep the violence and the troublemakers quarantined and marginalized outside, and off the convention floor. The convention is for unitiing as a party around our nominee, not for performance art.


When Bernie and his supporters burn this whole thing down cause they didn’t get their way they will never accept responsibility for it


Does that “half” include all the indies, GOP-ers and just plain trolls who crossed over and voted in open primaries and caucuses?

The 2010 election was one of the most important in U.S. political history. Fair-weather voters stayed home and handed the House, state legislatures and Governorships to the GOP, ensuring much of what these fair-weather people are complaining about now.

If I did a Venn Diagram of the BernieBots and the 2010 absentees, I would probably get a hell of an overlap.


Let the cult of personality prosper and flourish. Soon there will be legends about Bernie swimming across the Potomac and back each morning before breakfast.

People will memorize and recite from the “Sayings of Chairman Bernie”-

“Let me just say this”
“Millionaires and Billionaires”
“But at the end of the day”
“Secretary Clinton is”
“As I understand it.”


Wall Street Fat Cats and the Democrat party will most likely implant rabble rousers and violence doers to make Bernie Supporters look bad. Watch for Clintonistas IMPLANTS and feel the BERN!!1!!!one!1!!1!!!1


Let bells ring
Let the firmament glow

Let the Trump re-location camps** begin apace

** Separate camps for beaners, negroes and wimmins


I’m guessing that “The city anticipates 30,000 people will attend the gathering…” comes from those applying for the permit. 1) “How many people do you expect to attend?”


Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) presidential campaign have secured permits to hold rallies near the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July

I don’t get their lack of confidence.
Weaver has already assured Sanders’ supporters that there is a narrow path to victory.


Per WSJ those events are organized independent of the campaign, so the truth of it aside, technically the campaign can again claim they have nothing to do with it even if the events go Nevada.

Those protest events will be aired throughout the convention when more voters finally start to pay attention to the general election… reporters interview protestors and they say how corrupt the Democratic Party is and how Sanders deserves the nomination etc. Not hard to imagine what narrative will dominate the media. God, I hate those people who can’t tell friends and enemies.

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