Discussion: Ryan: Impeachment Talk 'A Ridiculous Game' By Obama

another one takes up the current GOP talking point
they are so out of tune with the people that elected them - and seem to have a real problem remembering they are all on tape calling for impeachment - when that fails they revert to the same old tired playbook - blame Obama!


Hahahaha! They left their flaming bag of sh#t on the wrong doorstep. THEIR OWN.

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Good Gawd, pick any Republican and their messaging is just horse shit. They cannot get their story straight. They are like whirling dervishes.

NO we never mentioned impeachment…its was Obama belive us just like it was the white house dems and Obama for shutting down the govt just ask us we will tell you so…oh ah what about all of us republicons going on and on about impeachment of Obama …that was all in your imagination it never happened …HEY LOOK OVER THERE…BENGAHZIIIIIIIII

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Ryan is either immoral, uninformed, or unable to control the extremists in his own party.

Any of which make him unqualified for President.

Goddamn they get the talking points out asap and everyone starts spewing them no matter how ridiculous they are!

The standard play. A number of GOPers start talking about something that may be damaging their brand and then the powers that be get together and discuss how to turn the tables and change the message, so that the Dems are then blamed for starting the discussion of that issue. They count on the unbelievably short media cycle and the chronic amnesia of Americans.

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Just like everything else that seeps from the Republican collective pie-hole, when they say that this is a ridiculous game by Obama, they are really conceding that he has nailed it on this one.

They want to impeach so badly that they can’t stop saying the word but, The Prez worked a zammer on them and has made them announce that they think that any mention of impeachment is totally foolish, as they keep mentioning it.
It’s brillllliant!

I believe this move by our stealthy leader is known as, the shit, the bomb, the old switcheroo, the payback, the take that sucka.

Suing the President OTOH is still on, that is 100% GOP sanctioned and is their fallback rally point.
Once they sue, they have to impeach because even when they lose, the cover-up will be a crime in itself. Worse than Watergate anyone?
No real birth certificate, no honest IRS info revealed, Benghazi blocked-check, phony impeachment scam by Prez that forces real impeachment by goobers-the end of the story.
It has all led to this and always was. BFD.

Except: (From TPM) Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) thinks suing President Obama is a waste of time — he would prefer to head straight to impeachment. Jones told The Hill that House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-OH) lawsuit against Obama over his use of executive actions is merely “theater” and “a show.” “Why not impeach instead of wasting $1 million to $2 million of the taxpayers’ money?” Jones asked. "If you’re serious about this, use what the founders of the Constitution gave us.”

What if they just use the reference to “the i-word”, as did the wacky Oklahoma senator and stunt pilot/climate denier James Inhofe? Or how about RWNJ and hate radio pundit Michael Savage, who began spewage of impeachment threats on Feb 4, 2009, before Obama had been in office for 3 weeks?

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The GOP must have received a new communication directive last week because all of the sudden they’ve all changed their 6 year rhetoric on impeachment. It would be funny if I didn’t already know the DC media circuit will fall for it.

Oh yeah, remember how it was Obama and Dems that shut down the US government because they refused to repeal Obamacare? It was ALL THE WHITEHOUSE’s FAULT!

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“House GOPer Opposes Suing Obama Because He’d Rather Impeach Him”

But Obama made him say it!


Steve ScaliseÂŽ(#3 House Republican Leader)
Steve KingÂŽ
Ted YohoÂŽ
Lew BarlettaÂŽ
Steve StockmanÂŽ
Blake FarentoldÂŽ
Kerry BentivolioÂŽ
Walter JonesÂŽ

Look Eddie. You lost. You couldn’t even carry Wisconsin. Get over it.

Not only did you lose but who came off the bench to knock you the fuck out? Joe Biden.



This is fun. Ryan is walking into punches just like Boehner.


It’s not like there is any precedent for a GOP controlled house trying to impeach a Democratic president during the middle of his second term, or anything like that . . .

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There are a lot more Whores of Babble On than there used to be.


The reugs must think the initials RMN are Revenge Milhous Nixon.


Yes nd they are and on message every day repeating the same lies, but don’t worry the news media will set everything straight right. No worries!!!

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